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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. We never do well when NWS goes bullish. Best to see WWAs and over perform than WSWs and shit the blinds.
  2. That would be awesome, leaving one winter wonderland and starting a new one!
  3. It doesnt want to stop snowing out here!!! We might hit the slopes early before it gets super cold. Deck pic!
  4. Do you get your drive plowed? I showed up this morning to a glacier. Luckily my neighbor came up this afternoon with his bobcat and got me a path to park the cars. Its going to turn into an iceberg this weekend.
  5. Pretty sure Garrett Co is still gonna get snow for awhile . We currently have 6-8" of super dense ice-snow on the ground. Snowblower can't even touch it its so dense. Had to use a bobcat to plow my drive. Snowplow pile was 24" and hard as a rock. Local plow guy's blade couldn't make a dent in it. DMV? We might fluke into something but at this point I'm not holding my breath. Gotta road trip it for the white stuff.
  6. Dang! Stay safe! It started as sleet at my house in Swanton but now its just rain.
  7. What are the thoughts on the depth of cold being shown? Overdone? So far looks prolonged with reinforcement every couple days. Single digits for multiple days out in the mountains.
  8. HoCo is closing 3 hrs early! Bah! Back in my day we walked uphill both ways in the rain. Newspaper for shoes too daggummit!
  9. Peacock Tops 30 Million Subs, Streaming Loss to Peak at $2.8 Billion (variety.com) Hey we only lost 2.8B, not 3! This is obviously a last ditch effort to save the service.
  10. Busy couple weather days incoming for the CONUS:
  11. Unless you got $$$$ stay away from the resort areas. There are deals to be had outside the lake/ski area. $275k, close to the state parks: 511 New Germany Rd, Swanton, MD 21561 | MLS# MDGA2006110 | Redfin $360k, quieter park of the county: 221 Church St, Oakland, MD 21550 | MLS# MDGA2005592 | Redfin Rental potential on these would be low, so it depends on what your goals are. This one in Caanan has access to a runway! Fly your private plane right to your house! $389k: 19 Beechcraft Way, Davis, WV 26260 | realtor.com®
  12. Driving through our neighborhood this morning, about an inch on top of the ~4 inches from yesterday. Light to moderate snow all day at Wisp, made for a good day skiing and no crowds! Driving through the state park on the way home:
  13. Some pics from my weekend trip. I-68 prior to Cumberland, some of the heaviest snow we drove through. I-68 just after Cumberland: My electric snow chariot. Can't do deep stuff but snow tires + AWD handles pretty much everything else. Lake had about an inch of ice in our cove.
  14. Damn, thats a gut punch to every east coast ski resort. Looks like something we would see in the summer.
  15. I70/I68 was a s-show between hagerstown and cumberland. We took it slow and steady with proper equipment and did fine. Many cars and trucks stuck on the uphill climbs. Car 1/4 mile in front of us tried to pass another car in the unplowed left lane and immediately fish tailed into the guardrail. Dude in an acura integra with only tshirt on trying to shovel their tires out in the middle on i68.
  16. Drove back to Deep Creek today, it was rain/sleet mix and 37 when we left Ellicott City at noon, until we hit Hagerstown on I-70. All snow from Hagerstown to Cumberland, where it was pouring snow. Heading up the hill towards Frostburg/Swanton it tapered off to a freezing drizzle and 27 degrees. Took 4.5 hrs (usually takes 2.5) and saw a bunch of idiots with no snow tires and RWD stuck on I-70. Cumberland and just east was definitely the jackpot in Maryland. Probably 4" on the ground out here in Deep Creek, when we stopped in La Vale to charge there was 6-8" and coming down hard. Had another inch on the car during the 30 minute charging session.
  17. Appreciate the update... We were thinking of driving back up today. I'm hoping the main roads will be treated.
  18. Drove home from Deep Creek today and the temp didnt change much along the way, which is odd. 38 when i left, hit a max of 40 around Hagerstown and was 39 when i got home to Ellicott City.
  19. Does he dump his leaves and trash down the mountain too? Laughing at the commoners below 1kft
  20. I like the simple(r) look 0z just showed us. No transfer to figure out etc, just a storm coming up the coast and running into HP. Can only hope as we get closer we see things keep this look.
  21. Didnt Chuck warn us this storm was gonna be warm? Everyone seems to not take him seriously.
  22. I dug out the snowblower and refreshed my oil/gas can. Biggest jinx ever.
  23. Probably not 37, more like 34. The line of disappointment is probably going to be further west than we would like.
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