It was 26-28 today and ripping and the roads still melted while we accumulated on non dark surfaces. It’s gotta be REALLY ripping to stick to roads midday now. I got 0.70” today and it accumulated on a snow board but my street went from covered to water during the peak of it and it was snowing hard and 4-6 degrees below freezing with snow on the ground from yesterday. Also, my wooden snowboard had melt water on it in a semi shaded area with a temp of 28 when I took my last measurement and icicles underneath. Yesterday at 25 degrees my street was melted until 4 pm when the sun dipped and it accumulated at will. Areas with green grass have half the accumulation as places with dormant Bermuda. This storm was the prime example of sun angle always wins unless rates are extreme in daylight. That being said, everyone from Raleigh north has 3-5” of snow and more north and east so yes, you can get a major storm now but sun angle changes it and lighter rates in daylight absolutely do not work