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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. 18.4 last night. No water on my road to refreeze but I’m sure there are slick spots. Beautiful morning but our snow is going to get zapped
  2. It was 26-28 today and ripping and the roads still melted while we accumulated on non dark surfaces. It’s gotta be REALLY ripping to stick to roads midday now. I got 0.70” today and it accumulated on a snow board but my street went from covered to water during the peak of it and it was snowing hard and 4-6 degrees below freezing with snow on the ground from yesterday. Also, my wooden snowboard had melt water on it in a semi shaded area with a temp of 28 when I took my last measurement and icicles underneath. Yesterday at 25 degrees my street was melted until 4 pm when the sun dipped and it accumulated at will. Areas with green grass have half the accumulation as places with dormant Bermuda. This storm was the prime example of sun angle always wins unless rates are extreme in daylight. That being said, everyone from Raleigh north has 3-5” of snow and more north and east so yes, you can get a major storm now but sun angle changes it and lighter rates in daylight absolutely do not work
  3. If this wind wasn’t blowing it would probably be near 10 in the morning but it’s whipping. Probably only get to 20 unless it falls out
  4. Dynamic is what a big dog is. The January storm would’ve been 1/2” max in central NC and nothing on roads if that same storm happened yesterday. Dynamic storms could stick if it was 75 the day before. 6 hours of dendrites and 0.5 mile vis and it don’t matter the temp or sun angle: that’s what we lookin in March. It’s our white whale but after this storm why not us?
  5. We eeked up to 35.4 but honestly very minimal melting besides roads and driveway here
  6. That’s ideal. After the first week of March snow is a pipe dream. Bring on spring, but keep the 80’s/90’s out of here
  7. That late February sun angle is no joke. I have no doubt we sacrificed an inch+ to the sun even yesterday. It’s why I put my snow board in the shaded side of the house
  8. No question Wake verified warning across the northern half of the county. Durham county definitely exceeded warning criteria despite the advisory. An over performer by any means for here. Still 30 degrees out. Sun is starting to peek. We’ll see how much water can evaporate off roads but it’s likely to be an ice rink again tomorrow morning
  9. We’re down to flurries and it’s starting to melt so I went ahead and took my last measurement. 0.70” today, 3.90” for the event, 3.70” settled depth on the uncleared board including yesterday and todays total. I have no doubt we would’ve had much more had the majority not fallen during daylight. It’s 29 degrees and there was meltwater on my wooden snowboard. Honestly we may have had more than my 0.70” I should’ve measured after the first band. Great storm 5.80” on the season. Exceeded climo and wall to wall cold besides first two week in Feb. Winter gets an A and if we luck into one more storm A+ is on the table
  10. Roads are in great shape out of neighborhoods. The late February sun angle is working
  11. The size of some of these flakes is ludicrous. I’ll be honest, I underestimated todays snowfall
  12. This is definitely boosting triangle totals
  13. Final band is strengthening moving into RDU
  14. We are so back baby. RDU folks deserved this. What a storm, what a winter
  15. @Brick Tamland I stand corrected. Ripping fatties!!!
  16. Not sure I’d go that far here but it’s snowing good
  17. Hadn’t had a storm last 6 hours in 6 years and we get a 24 hour storm in late February with frigid temps. I got no words for my happiness
  18. Band moving into Raleigh seems to be strengthening. I could see maybe 1/2”
  19. It’s because I put “major” in the storm thread Moderate snow here. My shoveled driveway is covered back up
  20. Sledding conditions are the best since 2017. Need something with metal runners on roads but you can go forever. My 3 yo is having a ball
  21. Any reports from Henderson it looks like its dumping in Vance county
  22. That’s awesome! After yesterdays bust up there you deserved that!
  23. Some serious upper level dynamics at play. Minimal returns resulting in steady snow. Not sure it’ll amount to much but it’s setting a heck of a mood paired with yesterdays snowfall
  24. Snowing steady here. I’d make the upgrade from flurries to light snow
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