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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. I really don’t think we’re (piedmont/upstate) done with winter weather threats yet
  2. Euro also very cold from the 17th on. Bit of a storm signal around the 20th. Snow Might not happen but this is real Arctic cold so that time period has a chance.
  3. I don’t think we’re done. Indices and the fact we’ve actually been able to keep cold on this side of the globe point to a cold second half of February. And more moisture, which we lacked in January
  4. As of right now it looks like northern tier counties in NC along the border will have a chance of a wintry mix before changing to rain. Southern Virginia will have a small area of mix with a sharp cutoff of snowfall. Somewhere just north of the mix line will get a big snow. Kind of a west-east look, not just CAD areas. Could be a significant snowstorm in middle Virginia
  5. 12z guidance appears to be coming in colder across the board
  6. Yea starting to think this is either plain rain or snow. Just not really a good high to funnel cold into CAD areas and even if it is freezing rain it’s looking like 31-32 degrees which obviously doesn’t accumulate efficiently
  7. DC went from 1” to 7” and the freezing line furthest extent moved from the first tier of northern NC counties back into Virginia. And precip as a whole, not frozen, corrected way north. Pretty significant north swing in my book
  8. No one is expecting snow. SW Virginia might have a crippling ice storm.
  9. Worried for @BornAgain13. That area has been solidly in the bullseye of a major ice event for days, possibly several events
  10. 2014 was the last AN February here too. I think it has snowed in Feb/March twice total since then, both small events
  11. SER flexes on overnight runs and moves the boundary north and west, dramatically cutting rainfall and laughing at anyone who thought February was still a snow month in the southeast
  12. RE rainfall- while almost surely overdone, those amounts occur over the course of a week. Given antecedent dry conditions, this would be extremely beneficial. I’m sure some mountain areas (especially deforested areas from Helene) will see flooding, but overall this would be a positive drought busting rain.
  13. Honestly that storm is more believable than the fake ones that drove this board crazy last three days being there’s actually a realistic cold source
  14. Euro weeklies have been really accurate this winter, as compared to last
  15. You might need to go on vacation again, apparently that’s what it takes to get a decent snow here now (kidding)
  16. I’m sure they will be underdoing it somewhat but this is a fickle airmass. It’s not established beforehand and the high is sliding with the system. It’s not like we’re leading into this one with an arctic airmass and DPs in single digits
  17. No. I want snow. But I’m not rooting for 80s if I don’t get it
  18. I can’t stand the bring on spring crowd. We live in the south. 9 months out of the year are hot. Let us enjoy whatever cold we can until that arrives. 80 in early February didn’t make me happy today
  19. Your daffodils exceed my snowfall over the last 3 years combined
  20. The MA forum is such a happy place right now
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