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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Not seeing the heavy rain from the us1 corridor west. Only seen a couple brief showers
  2. Picked up 0.70” Yesterday and last night. FFW in effect today. We’ll see how much we can tack into the total
  3. 70% rain chances changed to 30% real quick today
  4. 0.25” total from 3 showers and a brief thunderstorm
  5. 0.12” from 3 showers. Suns out now, very muggy 87. Waiting on the afternoon storms to fire
  6. 78 with a moderate shower at the moment. 0.05"
  7. Sweltering 91 here. Welcome to summer
  8. First 90 reading of the year. Sunny and hot. 90 degrees. Not upset it took till June 3rd to finally hit it! Also not upset that there is no death ridge in sight to sustain it, like most of our recent summers about this time of year
  9. No rain here. Lot of distant lightning in those storm to the southeast
  10. 2.40” on Friday between 2 storms and a shower. Backyard flooded during the afternoon storm
  11. 1.30" of rain here in Raleigh today. Came down in buckets this morning. I'm sure the vast majority fell in about 30 minutes. Good lightning and thunder too very early when that storm pushed through. Currently sun is out, waiting on next round. Some distant thunder too.
  12. 19/9/4 I think the Gulf will be most likely to take a major hit (maybe multiple major hits). I think homegrown systems (similar to the 2 we've already seen) will be common.
  13. Heavy showers pushing through the Morehead area. Brief excessive rainfall rates. It will rain for 5-10 minutes and then go to completely sunny and miserably humid
  14. Another day, another heavy rain event for the western piedmont.
  15. Up to 50 mph at landfall. 1004 mb. Man this thing was winding up coming ashore! Pretty impressive rapid organization! This would've made a run at a hurricane with just 12 more hours
  16. With those years, how many had 2 purely tropical named systems (not sub-tropical storms as we frequently see in early season) before Hurricane season?
  17. Much like Imelda last year, this is a small system that we should be very glad does not have 18 more hours over water. Tight circulation really winding up
  18. Surface low seems to be forming right on Daytona Beach. As NWS said, too much shear for this thing to get going. For what it's worth, the NAM (I know) has a frisky tropical low moving into the Carolina coastline tomorrow and proceeding up through the Piedmont with heavy rain. Also, towards the end of the GFS, it has been advertising development in the western Caribbean/GOM for a couple days now. It did a good job with Arthur in the long range as well.
  19. From 4:30 this morning till now (1:45PM) it has been NONSTOP rain/thunder. Rain has gone from "frog-strangling heavy" to "take the dog for a walk with raincoat" light but it has not stopped. On top of the tropical storm rainfall and rain all week, I'd say wet is an understatement.
  20. Getting frequently sustained easterly wind gusts into the mid-30's at the coast this morning. Very, Very heavy rain off and on all morning, really need a rain bucket at the house here in Morehead. Had a heck of a lightning storm push through at 5:00. Woke me up with house-jarring thunder and sharp cracking lightning. First lightning here of the event Looks like we are getting in the moisture train today, not that we've had any lack of rain, but it's been off and on since the tropical storm.
  21. Much needed, if it does not fall all at once.
  22. According to WRAL Cape Carteret got nearly 5.5" and Newport got 4.5." Here in Morehead we had to have been in that ballpark. Pretty surprised as you said at some of these higher totals given the putrid look to the west side of the circulation late last night. That band that formed meant business early this morning for about 3-4 hours! Tropical rainfall rates are frequently underdone on radar, as well, as estimates were not even close to ground obs. Uneventful storm but a very beneficial rain for sure down here...
  23. Don't have a rain gauge at the Morehead City house, but I'm guessing we got several inches. Came down heavy this early morning and there is ponding evident in the yard and street. Little wind on the west side as expected (<30mph) but more rain than I had thought we'd see. Much needed rain at that. Still light/mod rain continuing and a very humid tropical feel to it this morning. Storm seems to have organized somewhat overnight but southerly shear is limiting that extent. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few gusts to TS strength on the island but that is a non-event for Hatteras. Still fun to kick off the season purely tropical and close to home.
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