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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Oh I remember. The unexpected clipper where it was in the 20's, snow stuck instantly to everything, all schools and businesses let out, and the city was gridlocked. That was a major storm, regardless of accumulation. It was crazy to see Greg Fischel on air as it became apparent the band of snow was holding together and going to cause issues as it moved in, after advertising nothing but a chance of a flurry that morning!
  2. At this point, I almost don't even want a March novelty, nighttime, precipitation rate-dependent, grass-only, isolated, gone in 4 hours event to ruin the streak and give some credence to there having actually been a winter this year. Go big or go home, we're going for a full-season blanking on measurable snow! Gotta set the bar at the bottom so we won't be surprised when it happens again....
  3. With the way this season is going, I'd take that event and cash out today. I do not think we will see measurable snow in Raleigh. Good find though as I've been here for the same timeframe, 30 years.
  4. Raleigh usually has a snow shield for big storms, might as well extend it to novelty events as well
  5. Sleeting 401 N heading into Rolesville. Temp dropped to 39 per my truck, had been 44
  6. Just going to say this: there is an Obs thread. This is the discussion thread.
  7. A lot of the rains in the western, and even to some extent central, parts of the state have petered out heading east. I had well over an inch from one of the events last week and was talking to a buddy in Williamston who said they barely received enough to get everything under the trees wet. Not sure the current temp, but it's a beautiful day! When you cancel the idea of snow this season in your head, we really have had some gorgeous days thrown in there!
  8. Can you cancel winter if it never even came?
  9. Our 2 days of slightly below average westerly sinking flow from the Apps... No arctic connection. No cold.
  10. Well, as the LR now takes us into mid February with no hint of a pattern change, you may as well find your nearest cliff and jump, if you haven't already. Getting into sun angle szn before too long which starts to eliminate this board from south to north with every passing day outside the mountains. Ugh I didn't have high hopes for this winter but did not envision a board-wide blanking (minus the mountains)
  11. I think this board has been facing this fact since Christmas. Only blind hope has kept many on here through this hellish winter.
  12. If it EVER is forecasted positive, believe it. If it's supposed to go negative, add 2 months to when the transition is forecast. Seriously we suck at cold and snow. But we're in the South. Still, we suck more than we usually suck. I see no hint of a change. Just transitive cool shots separated by warmups and rain. No blocking. No artic air. Just continental flow with and active southern stream.
  13. The blockbuster cold the GFS was displaying without ensemble support? Really liked our odds...
  14. In other news, I saw my first flake of the season today... In Indianapolis on a work trip. Currently 33 with on again off again flurries
  15. I find peace with this craptastic winter knowing we aren't alone. Mid Atlantic and NYC boards have been dumpster fires all winter. Takes the sting off just a little...
  16. It'll be gone by morning, replaced with the next D10+ fantasy "threat"
  17. There is some potential showing. Euro/GFS/CMC Op runs all have some interesting storms depicted. Lets see if we can trend colder, shouldn't have much trouble with that!
  18. The models are programmed to reset expectations inside the 10 day window
  19. I'm in the same boat. My fiancé and I had to buy wet paw wipes. Our mudroom is living up to its name! At least the ground has been frozen for a few days so there's been some relief
  20. It's completely a guess but I feel the same way. At least they are showing several coastal storms or late bloomers in the Mid Atlantic. Cold is an issue (haven't heard that before). We still have a lot of winter to go but man, I haven't seen many runs in the last couple weeks even in fantasy land advertising a single flake for Raleigh. Hard to keep hope alive while burning through 2 months of prime climo relying entirely on a month that has let us down so frequently...
  21. I love how some of the talk in the Foothills/Mountains thread was mocking the doom and gloom from the main thread when they were just able to squeeze out a couple inches of snow on what was forecast to be a dry day! If that ever happened outside the mountains, I would never bicker again. Haven't seen a flake this winter!
  22. Yea, 2/1 snow ratios for someone in the mountains too...
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