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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. We picked up 0.18" this morning total up in my part of the county. Been watching the rain evaporate for the last 2 days on the models for central NC. Originally looked like 1.5-2 in now looks like 0.25 (if even) with a thin line of showers or storms being the only addition to what fell this AM. Oh well, we did just pick up almost 4 inches of rain Thursday!
  2. Never criticize excitement for any snowstorm outside of the mountains in this sub forum. If everyone here had already had 10 events, this one would still get just as much attention on this site and that is one of the things that is great about this region. 1 inch storms are a big deal to a lot of posters bc the other 364 days in the year we don't get to see snow make every flake a blessing! Happy for the guys that scored, that was a big storm for some of the posters on here! A 6 inch storm anywhere on this board is a good one, especially when it over-performs and stays all snow throughout! Enjoyed living vicariously through yall for the day
  3. Most accurate comment of the day... In other fantasy news... I'd take this look 10/10 and see what we could cook up. Won't happen but that's pretty
  4. Congrats SC and GA people! This turned into a major event for some areas! Way to hit climo in a season when that seemed impossible. Enjoyed the excitement through yall today! Love it when it snows in my old stomping grounds at Clemson, only happened a handful of times when I was a student there but they were always memorable! N Ga definitely made lemonade out of lemons! 6 in in a 6 hour snowfall...
  5. It's amazing what decent mid levels can do for a storm. Something we usually overlook with our big systems where we are walking a fine line up the atmosphere
  6. Some areas might go from having no advisory to warning level snows in the GSP forecast zone...
  7. Per webcams, looks like roads are starting to cave
  8. I swear, we do better in the south with these weak systems more consistently than big "blockbuster" storms. No mid-level warming and just enough moisture to make us happy, by our meager standards. The jealousy level to yall's north and east is unprecedented atm... Congrats!
  9. Me thinks Greenville peeps will be happy by day's end...
  10. They just like to keep everyone on their toes! For real though, those Clemson live cams are impressive. It went 0-100 real quick and is RIPPING there!
  11. It's looking like GSP got caught with their pants down... Especially for Oconee and Pickens counties
  12. If this holds together AT ALL, Greenville may have a shot at an inch.
  13. I caution you on your optimism, it's contagious
  14. Snowing at Clemson University per webcams! Man I wish I was there http://www.clemson.edu/webcams/
  15. I bet it's a good feeling in the areas where the snow is falling. No more model watching. No more 10+ day storms. No more snow depression. From the outside looking in- enjoy whatever falls it's a miracle you were able to score in this pattern! This storm had about a 12 hour window in this cold air after the big system yesterday and for once the pieces came together nicely for you guys!
  16. ATL, N GA, and Parts of the upstate may hit climo with this storm. That wouldn't even be fair looking at the yearly stats years from now Meanwhile I was happy to see graupel yesterday for 5 min. I wish I could find another cliff I've jumped off every one available so far.
  17. I agree. I know the models predicted a quick warmup but with those cold 925's, earlier arrival of precip, and colder than forecast lows this morning, I would be shocked if the Clemson-Greenville area didn't get some accumulation. This storm would have to completely dry out and it looks to be coming in with a good slug of moisture atm
  18. Wow optimal radiational cooling last night! When I went to bed I didn't know if we'd hit freezing but checked my temp gauge this morning and we bottomed out at 25! Currently 36 and a WINTER-like feel outside, forgot what that was like... Heading to the farm today looks like a perfect day for it!
  19. All Hail King NAM with this system! Like eyewall said, this storm isn't going to help us Raleigh peeps, but I am certainly living vicariously through you N Ga and upstate folks today. Traffic cams in NW Ga look like a solid snow event incoming. Man it's nice to see a mood change around this board, even if it doesn't help my neck of the woods
  20. From ATL: Area Forecast Discussion National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 305 PM EST Fri Feb 7 2020 . SHORT TERM /Tonight through Saturday Night/... Mostly cloudy skies expected to break up this evening allowing temps to fall to the low- to mid-30s tonight and tomorrow morning. A h850 shortwave is expected to sweep through the southeast tonight and tomorrow morning, with relatively smaller PWAT values but enough to produce a tenth to a half an inch across the northern CWA. With temps just above the surface below freezing this means winter precip will be involved, and even though QPF is expected to be low, it will be enough with an approximate 7.5:1 snow-water ratio for minor snow accumulations to occur with a rain/snow mix across North Georgia. Only about a tenth to a half inch of snow accumulations outside the mountainous regions are expected but with rains and warm ground temps, if anything falls it probably won`t stick around long. In mountainous regions up north this could be a different story. Embedded in colder temps, areas of NW Georgia could see 1-2 inches, with higher elevations along the spine and mountaintops of the GA Blue Ridge mountains could see up to 4 inches in some isolated locations. This has prompted a Winter Weather Advisory for the majority of Northern GA. Temps may climb into the upper 30s before the transition from snow to rain occurs with some slick spots possible where any accumulations occur. Temps tomorrow night will also drop back into the low-30s for N GA, which may continue to cause some slick spots Sunday morning.
  21. Wow! A winter weather thread! I forgot what this looked like here!!!
  22. I think you're in as good a spot as any for this system. Good luck!
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