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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. From 4:30 this morning till now (1:45PM) it has been NONSTOP rain/thunder. Rain has gone from "frog-strangling heavy" to "take the dog for a walk with raincoat" light but it has not stopped. On top of the tropical storm rainfall and rain all week, I'd say wet is an understatement.
  2. Getting frequently sustained easterly wind gusts into the mid-30's at the coast this morning. Very, Very heavy rain off and on all morning, really need a rain bucket at the house here in Morehead. Had a heck of a lightning storm push through at 5:00. Woke me up with house-jarring thunder and sharp cracking lightning. First lightning here of the event Looks like we are getting in the moisture train today, not that we've had any lack of rain, but it's been off and on since the tropical storm.
  3. Much needed, if it does not fall all at once.
  4. According to WRAL Cape Carteret got nearly 5.5" and Newport got 4.5." Here in Morehead we had to have been in that ballpark. Pretty surprised as you said at some of these higher totals given the putrid look to the west side of the circulation late last night. That band that formed meant business early this morning for about 3-4 hours! Tropical rainfall rates are frequently underdone on radar, as well, as estimates were not even close to ground obs. Uneventful storm but a very beneficial rain for sure down here...
  5. Don't have a rain gauge at the Morehead City house, but I'm guessing we got several inches. Came down heavy this early morning and there is ponding evident in the yard and street. Little wind on the west side as expected (<30mph) but more rain than I had thought we'd see. Much needed rain at that. Still light/mod rain continuing and a very humid tropical feel to it this morning. Storm seems to have organized somewhat overnight but southerly shear is limiting that extent. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few gusts to TS strength on the island but that is a non-event for Hatteras. Still fun to kick off the season purely tropical and close to home.
  6. Here in Morehead City, just got boat up in the stacks. First band pushed through with a moderate tropical rain. Very very warm and humid out, dare I say, it feels like a tropical system is coming? Gusts 25-30 so far. Not expecting much here but fun to track something in May, again. Will let y’all know how it pans out this way
  7. Video I took of squall line that pushed through the morehead city area last week and caused some minor roof damage to my house.
  8. I'll try to upload videos later. Pretty intense stuff for a squall line
  9. Don't know wind speed but had to be 70+ in Morehead City where I'm at when that line came through. Did something to the roof because we have water pouring in through the ceiling. I was here for Dorian and had not such issues. Didn't blow trash cans over. They're in the neighbor's yard across the street...
  10. 36 and frosty this morning in Louisburg. More frosts in April than March by a long shot! Now warming up quickly already 56 back at home in Raleigh
  11. Looking very likely the less than .20 solution will verify! Ineffective moisture transport because of upstream convection robbing moisture in the deep south. Looks like a snowstorm where we have the cold air but moisture isn't cutting it! Good news is we are sitting pretty with rainfall after a bit of a dry stretch and don't particularly need it! Enjoy these cool wet days as they will be waning before the summer torch inevitably takes over in a month or so
  12. Semantics (I know) but this was/is a major tornado outbreak. Probably could have warranted a high risk for some areas. Numerous tornadoes and some strong long track ones as well. Unfortunately it seems there was also a substantial loss of life. Great discussion on this board. Thanks to all the posters here keeping us abreast of the numerous storms with multiple tornadoes occurring at once several times. Wild 24 hour ride and pretty incredible for such a high end tornado event to occur at night.
  13. Storms look isolated at best per Hi-res modeling. Hoping for widespread rain to pan out Sunday without a severe threat. It is getting dry.
  14. Can you post links? Thanks. Wish Josh had been able to chase this one. Looked high end at both landfalls
  15. That's a monster impact for whoever was in Harold's eyewall. Sounds like limited population but the initial hit then recovery then even stronger hit on the second island will be devastating for whoever was in that storm's path.
  16. Gotta love the models for this weekend. GFS is dry, no storm to be found. Euro has a potential high-end severe threat from the deep south to the Carolinas. From NWS Raleigh "The only thing the models agree on is to disagree" (paraphrased)
  17. Summer-like afternoon storms today. Isolated downburst possible
  18. Dry as a bone and getting drier. Excited to maybe see a storm or two today and tomorrow.
  19. Looking like an extended dry period. I know those in the western part of the state will welcome it but it’s been pretty dry in the central part of the state. Saw some fire weather discussion from NWS. Thankfully at my farm in Franklin county the last rain overperformed and we got over an inch but my house in Raleigh saw less than half an inch. Nothing inspires confidence in the modeling that we’ll see that in the next 10 days.
  20. About .25" overnight with drizzle/showers continuing. Biggest rainfall in 3 weeks...
  21. Yep. Missed it again today. Going to have to re-plant I worry. Wasted several hundred $$$ of seed. Looks to be very dry too going forward for Central NC. Amazing the impeccable timing to finally stop raining as soon as it becomes beneficial.
  22. So much for the 60-80% rain forecast here today last 2 days. Not a drop looks to have jumped over us. Planted all my spring food plots at the farm in anticipation of the rain. Great!
  23. Got to 33 this morning. Might be the last 30’s we see for awhile, though I’m sure we’ll have at least another frost/freeze before mid April
  24. Brrrr. 28 this morning. Could it be the coldest morning until next fall?
  25. 0.20" in the rain bucket. 42 degrees atm. Waiting on the wind
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