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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Love when people back the term “dumping” up with pictures. Congrats! You guys always seem to score looks beautiful
  2. I’m hugging the HRRR for this evening’s dusting up to 39 with on and off rain. Sun broke through a few times
  3. I agree, but the warning level snows were only going to verify if this front end produced in the triad area. Outside of that it’s been what occurs with the ULL passage and deform band all along, nothing has changed there. It will still snow from west to East this afternoon and I agree, there will be some surprises. But the triad is likely north of this feature if overnight and this morning’s modeling verify. These ULL scenarios are very tricky as they can be so localized. Someone will get 3 inches and the other side of the county sees white rain
  4. Pretty scene at wolf ridge right now https://skiwolfridgenc.com/the-mountain/web-cam
  5. With the overnight models + radar and observations at our disposal this morning, I’m extremely skeptical anyone outside the foothills/mountains sees 2 inches. I’m now thinking this will be a coating-1 inch event at most across the state (East of Shelby to mount airy) and it will all be with the ULL low. Triad looks to be biggest bust but with observed temp profiles, radar, and mid level dry air persisting it does not appear that area of steady snow will occur before the ULL passage
  6. If you want snow East of the 85 corridor this evening you need that deform band to stay together with the passage of the ULL. Overnight modeling, aside from the HRRR, has basically lost that idea, and dissipates the band largely East of the Triad. The entire event hinges on that band so it will be a nail biter for sure. This first burst of snow ongoing is just going to be mood flakes
  7. Big, wet flakes now mixed in. Got the Carolina special ongoing: rain/sleet/snow Edit: now mostly snow, 70% flakes, 30% slop. Definitely rate driven as expected
  8. Rain/sleet mix in north hills area. Temp dropped a couple degrees when it started, down to 37 from 39
  9. For the Raleigh area, the storm will be a: BOOM if we see 2 inches BUST if we only receive token flakes Always gotta set those expectations!
  10. My Final Call: Raleigh: 1/2-1 Durham: 1-2 Greensboro: 2-4 Charlotte: T-1/2 Asheville: 3-5
  11. Latest HRRR looks to be good for central N.C.
  12. Exactly what the Euro depicts. I didn’t think we’d start as snow but I guess that’s on the table now
  13. Always exciting to be under the first winter weather headline of the year. Liking the trends today in the Raleigh area. Think my odds of getting the grass covered are north of 50% now
  14. That’s pretty conservative, even for RAH lol
  15. The Canadian was a very good run for N.C. the Triad into SW Va would have warning level snows and the triangle would be advisory level for the most part. Gets that deform band going and goes across the whole state pretty much. Amounts not high East of Triad but widespread snow, and less splotchy. Sorry upstate, tho
  16. My thoughts are NWS Raleigh will issue a WWA from Randolph through Durham and up to Vance county tonight at some point for 1-2” of snow. East of there I doubt anything gets issued unless a deform band sets up and it will be a quick fire issuance. I’m actually feeling better about most areas in the triangle getting at least a coating of snow which is a win and some areas could have a few surprises.
  17. Haha. I doubt we will ever be able to accurately forecast where they will setup in advance, but we can nail down the most likely areas for them to do so given the placement of the ULL. Beyond that it’s all now casting and I guess that was my point that overall this system has been very much locked in for days now
  18. Has trended better and better with the formation of that deformation band. I mentioned that the other day as being a possibility as the energy transfers to the coastal and that area of dynamic forcing moves East but it’s only now been consistently showing up on the hi-res models. Triangle-East hinges on this development
  19. These ULL situations are modeled so much better than so many other winter storms. Details certainly have changed run to run and if you’re living and dying by snow maps you’re probably on about you last thread by this point but the storm track and most other synoptic features have been locked in for several days. Forecasting the mesoscale environment and features will be the challenge for sure and that’s ultimately what will define this storm but overall I can go back 3-4 days and models don’t look much different than they do now
  20. 3K Nam would make a lot of people happy on here
  21. Awesome work. This all seems reasonable at this point
  22. Turned on the news... Had to head back to the storm page, quickly. Good lord. I haven’t seen any significant changes in overall modeling and this system looks on track. It will be a foothills, eastern slopes jackpot. Outside of there will be rate dependent and pretty much anyone along from Salisbury to Raleigh could see a C-2” snow but it will be localized and difficult to pin down. Most will not have accumulation. Triad and southern VA will have 1-3” maybe a few 4” totals if banding sets up. Better timing, ULL support, and more widespread snow. It will be more patchy East
  23. I don’t think this snow map is very far off from what reality will be given this setup. Northern Triad/eastern foothills seem to consistently be the areas where it wants to snow on most models and 1-4 inch amounts seem reasonable there. Given the easterly flow, some elevation bonus, the foothills and eastern slopes look to be the jackpot. As the precip works East, an increasing them has been an area where precip falls off as the energy transfer occurs. This is a very common look with ULL energy transferring to a surface low off the coast. There will definitely be a “screw zone” or cutoff area to the east of the first thump of precip. This area may not get rates to overcome the warm BL and likely sees little to no accumulation. Further East, triangle/NE NC, everything will depend on what particular bands do. The euro has this well represented with some pockets of 1”+. Given the time of day, marginal to poor airmass, and relative lack of duration, it would take the SLP to get cranking and the formation of a DZ to produce more snow than shown. The GFS actually shows this but the column is just a hair too warm several thousand feet up. The GFS solution, if a hair cooler, would produce a nice secondary band further East. I think, my first call will and relative max of 4-8” on the eastern slopes and foothills including Asheville and hickory. I think the 85 and north area of the upstate sees 1-2 inches north of Greenville to Charlotte with little to no accumulation in those cities. There will be a sharp cutoff to this snow on the southern end but I think western Oconee county will see you to 2-4 inches while eastern parts don’t have any. This will progress through the extreme western upstate and into N.C. the triad will be a north of 85 event and I can see 2-4” there. For the immediate 85 area, mooresville, high point, Greensboro, East to roxboro, it’ll depend on where the energy transfer takes place and where a relative lack of dynamic banding occurs. This will extend into SW VA. Amounts will taper off north and East with Lynchburg to Richmond the cutoff for any snowfall accumulation of a coating or more. I’m going C-2” for these areas. East of there is more of a crapshoot and more dependent of small scale factors we can’t see yet. I’m thinking the triangle to NE NC and extreme SE VA will see highly localized snowfall of a C-1.5” max UNLESS that energy transfer happens sooner and the SL slings moisture in a deformation setup where rates overcome warm BL and last long enough. The other issue in this area will be getting sustained bands. There may be some pockets of heavy snow that taper to rain between bands. It is very hard to accumulate snow if it changes to rain on n lighter returns. I think the area that has the highest potential for this would be NE NC, Ricky Mount-Williamston-Roanoke rapids. I’m not forecasting that atm and will stick with a generic 0-1.5” across the entire area east of 85 with more areas in the 0” range and only localized accumulation elsewhere. Another negative of this storm will be the tendency for it to change to rain after the snowfall has ended. Some of these accumulations will certainly be short lived and with hours until the boundary falls below freezing and warm ground temps, much of this will be gone by Saturday.
  24. One side of my yard has 6 inches but the other side gets 1!
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