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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Now THAT is how you set the stage for an ice storm
  2. That was not the nail in the coffin EURO run many were expecting. This thing officially has legs. Every model has trended better since yesterday or at least stayed the same in CMC and V16’s case. Trying hard not to get at least a little excited
  3. Definitely trended in the right direction. Falling in line with other guidance. Dynamics will make or break this storm.
  4. Don’t think we’re headed to the mid 60’s as the models had shown as recently as yesterday. Cloudy, misty 46 right now
  5. If someone makes a thread after 00z runs it’ll be a day of obs thread. This is going down tomorrow, not 3 days out. That’s what’s shocking about some of the models trending in our favor inside 36 hours from go time. Euro will be telling. But seeing some short range guidance jump on board in addition to gfs and v16 and the Canadian remaining steady, there is a chance this thing pulls the comeback. I know the storm totals on those 10:1 models are way overblown but even a widespread 1-3” storm would be welcome by every member on here in their back yard
  6. In any other storm I’d say this has legs. Trending correctly inside 36 hours. In this situation, it’s more of a WTH is happening feeling
  7. Canadian has remained fairly consistent. Widespread light accumulation from triad east through triangle. Maybe slightly more in NE N.C.
  8. Love how everyone’s held off on starting a thread for it. No one wants to get blamed for another lackluster cold rain
  9. Strange times these are with model runs... strange times indeed. GFS trends through multiple runs now to a snowy solution, para remains rock solid on its snowstorm solution, and were inside 36 hours. NAM suites say no go and euro says enjoy your token flurries. CMC has had snow most of its runs. Would hate to be a forecaster tomorrow night. Literally could be a localized rate driven 4-5 inches with a forecast of nothing
  10. 06z GFS brings snow back into central and northeastern NC
  11. I don’t think anyone on this board south of VA border expects anything other than token flakes at the moment.
  12. Overall trends for ***some**** snow have been positive today. The bleeding has stopped, let’s reel this one back in!
  13. I haven’t thrown in the towel for the Wednesday/Thursday system quite yet. The UK/Euro aren’t that far off (too fast) and other models have trended better today (CMC/V16). GFS is warm no doubt but the LP location is good and the storm is still on the models. If we can slow timing down it has a shot. Sure, the big dog storm we saw for several days is gone for good, not happening, odds of a South Carolina National championship in football next season are higher than this becoming a major storm in the southeast, but I think anyone here would take a couple inches of snow. That’s still on the table though not likely. I’ll give it another 24 hrs before I write that off for good
  14. I’ll take CMC. Check please! Not exactly the model suites you want to be in your wheelhouse, when opposed to the king and GFS, but hey, at least some models are showing snow in central N.C. again. I’ll take it more seriously if the euro shows improvement at 12z
  15. Para against the world. Wow, I really thought someone from DC to N.C. would get a storm. This thing has sped up and left the cold air behind and also doesn’t allow the low to bomb out and throw all that much precip on its backside. Swing and a miss
  16. It puts the NAM on its skin or else it gets the GFS/CMC/EURO/UK/RGEM again
  17. Drove through a sleet/snow shower near Weldon a flutter while ago
  18. Way to premature to throw in the towel. Still 3+ days out. If it was showing 1 ft of snow this far out imby I’d in no way feel locked in to that outcome. This is a dynamic system and small deviations in that track could make a huge difference it’s not like the rain snow line is north of DC...
  19. December 2018 was locked in for a long time. Only questions were on the immediate transition zone but overall it was extremely well modeled
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