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Posts posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. I sure do love winter storms here and know the pain first hand of a near miss, but a very small terrible part of me does enjoy reading the MA forum when the inevitable inside the beltway screw job sets up for DCA... I can relate to those emotions too well 

  2. Going to give today’s report based on yard mud conditions scale. 1 is dry as a rock in Saharan dessert 5 is wet enough for a bass pond. We’re sitting at a 4 right now, may call the hatchery this evening after this thunderstorm passes and see if they have any sales on some lunkers. Pretty sure the bushes next to my shed would make some good bass habitat.

  3. Picked up night at 0.40” overnight and this morning. Don’t think any model had near that amount. Wish we had more phasing, slower system to work with the cold air moving in. Feel like I’ve said that 1,000,000 times being in central N.C. Maybe we squeeze out some novelty flakes this evening. Certainly feels like winter, temps dropped to 39

  4. 11 minutes ago, FLweather said:

    18z GFS very  bullish with the moisture over the Carolinas Tuesday.  Definitely wetter.

    Too bad the pieces couldn't come together further west. Tries to close off. Would be a classic Miller A.




    Looking at the soundings for the most part cold and moist enough in the DGZ all the way to about 2500-2000 ft

    This is actually very close and has continued to trend wetter/more phasing. It would not take much to make this setup work. It’s also interesting to note that this would be on the anniversary of the last major winter storm for most of the area 

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  5. On 11/14/2020 at 7:23 PM, Wow said:

    We're long due for something good.  The last real good pattern I remember was the big -NAO winters 10 years ago. 

    I seem to remember 2018 spending 7 days in a row below freezing with multiple snows even down East... mostly i agree, but that was epic! 

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