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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. EURO MUCH improved from 0z dumpster fire. Drops the arctic hammer too
  2. Definitely trended much better and a solid CAD signature. Would not need massive southern adjustments to be back in the game.
  3. I do not think it is all liquid ***in this set up*** and longer range models are notoriously poor at picking up CAD. Definitely not a lock to be a rain event as depicted on the models. Need to watch this
  4. I know, I know, 10:1, multiple systems, freezing rain/sleet counted as snow. But, there is potential
  5. Right, most of us have avoided a shut out and it’s felt like winter almost every day. I think we’ll get a storm. A lot to be ironed out over the next week but cold air has moved to this side of the pole and it’s within reason, especially with the southern jet remaining anomalously active, that we can get timing right on a storm to link up. The fact it’s already snowed in a crap pattern shows we shouldn’t get down to this point
  6. Trying to stay positive before the Euro sends everyone over the cliff in a couple hours. Did throw the “lol” in for good measure... I do think we have a chance especially with total model mayhem atm. We tend to do much better when snow shows up in the 2-3 day window than a long ways out on the models anyway. Give me some arctic air nearby and good HP placement and let the rest work itself out **takes sip of bourbon.
  7. No clue how much rain bc my gauge isn’t reading but 40 degrees and clouds breaking
  8. GFS has 4-5 threats through the period. No way we can screw all them up, lol
  9. And the last 2 snowfalls occurred with zero arctic air nearby. Now we at least have it within striking distance. We are not far off from a good thing even with some model differences on storm placement over the next two weeks. Nothing says we aren’t in the game even some of these dumpster fire runs
  10. 36 and rain, the Raleigh special. Weather station not reporting rainfall. Piece of junk
  11. As frustrating as this winter has been, unless you live s of 85 to Charlotte and Rockingham then East to new Bern and south of those areas, at least you haven’t been shut out. Winning?
  12. Congrats to all the upstate folks who got snow, y’all were due. Sounds like some decent snows up from there, certainly closer to mountains
  13. Think the edge of the cliff is gonna be full this morning. From record cold to rain on models. If euro and eps are correct, till next year friends
  14. Yep. That’s a cancel winter run. Good news is GFS and Canadian actually have trended better though still waiting on the 7-10 day cold. Feels like we’ve been there before... eta: end of 0z Canadian run is pretty awesome to watch the CAD signal move in
  15. It’s been briefly heavy sleet here. Temp down to 36.
  16. On cue snow showing up on mPING reports from Durham to Greensboro with that bright banding feature
  17. I’d have to think this would be indicative of some snow moving into w triangle/triad. At least melted flakes. Seeing a mix here with much weaker returns
  18. Big wet flakes mixing in with sleet and rain in Raleigh at my house right now. Not going to amount to anything but probably the 6th or 7th time I’ve seen flakes this winter. 38 degrees
  19. Not sure if this bodes well for others but heavy sleet right now at my house. Rain mixed in but it’s hammering my windows
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