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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Verbatim the triangle would have a glacier on the ground if this solution played out
  2. CMC depicts a nice snowstorm on Tuesday. Slightly colder mid levels. I think in these situations it tends to under sample warm noses so that may end up being a very gfs-like run in reality
  3. It has the highest potential to be a significant winter storm given the pattern and cold available of anything this season. Also, CAD events are more prevalent here and usually our “specialty.” Potential doesn’t verify to winter storms all the time. I’d probably wait a couple days to prepare as we’re still in the infancy of the cad solution but I’d definitely keep it on your radar
  4. Yea, but wind doesn’t stress a tree in the same manner. It doesn’t prune them like ice weight does. Any weakness will be exposed, particularly pines, but hardwoods will drop a lot of branches as well. Definitely a concern given the time period since our last significant ice event
  5. Not to fear monger, but being it’s been nearly 20 years since our last major ice storm in Raleigh, a significant amount of ice would be particularly damaging. GFS still on the warm side of guidance. I do not believe it’s capturing a locked in wedge accurately
  6. I was living in Alexandria Virginia for several years and we’d been forecast to get a crippling ice storm but got like 4-6” of mostly sleet. “Drifts” where it bounced off roofs stayed for more than a month even as we went into March and for a week afterwards it felt like a glacier
  7. I kinda hope one of these storms turns into a 2” sleet storm and below freezing. That much sleet is pretty cool, and surprisingly not that difficult to drive in. Plus it sticks around forever
  8. GFS takes 2 slp centers east of hatteras in a near perfect track, and we can’t buy modeled snow from either
  9. Jake Bentley is still gonna take y’all to the playoff just you wait... I regress, no need for that pettiness. We’re all beat down by the 00z suite
  10. Easy to rain when the cold never makes it east of the mountains
  11. Welp. I’ll take South Carolina football fans’ approach to every season: there’s always next year
  12. Positive trends stabilized. We’ll see what tomorrow brings
  13. Most winter storm potential in 3 years and I just know we do nothing but rain in Raleigh. Everything has to be perfect and then we can still fail
  14. GFS is warm for both systems but still brings the cold and a significant storm midweek. We’ll see if it joins the bandwagon with the Thursday/Friday system or stays on its island
  15. Observations from today: 1) a light to moderate icing event is becoming more likely Thursday night into Friday mainly from favored CAD regions northward 2) a more substantial storm is possible late weekend/early next week. Could be more widespread Likely to be another mixed bag event 3) it is becoming more likely arctic air will move in for the second half of the weekend through early next week but timing differences remain 4) several shots at precipitation next week could lead to more threats down the road, but these will be almost impossible to iron out until the arrival of the arctic air mass is determined
  16. Think over the last week we’ve wobbled back and forth talking about trends that just ended up being head fakes. This feels like an actual trend today. Not to mention this isn’t day 7 we’re talking about... let’s see where it takes us over the next few cycles. Nothing seems to point to the trend stopping as of yet, and CAD is the one aspect of winter weather here that is frequently under modeled at range
  17. Is there any guidance that hasn’t trended colder today? EURO, NAM, CMC, ICON, GFS have all trended colder and significantly so in most cases
  18. That’s a CAD locked in long duration freezing rain/sleet event. Globals are not good at CAD specifics at this range but you’d be hard pressed to come up with a more textbook look for a major ice event for large areas of the Carolinas and Georgia
  19. It’s possible with that low track but imo unlikely. A 1040+ mb HP in Pennsylvania, dew points in single digits, and snowpack yo the north. That’s a CAD formula not going to be denied.
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