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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. ICON is a HELLACIOUS ice storm. It actually has lighter precipitation for a long duration before bringing the firehose, IE efficient ice accumulation for extended period
  2. I don’t want to get too IMBY specific, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Wake got a warning just due to northern part of the county. Obviously most of the county would not verify, but based on what I’m seeing this event definitely looks to be more impactful further south and east than the last one. Raleigh proper I wouldn’t expect much in besides a light glaze, however. Could change but I had written the last one off already at this time. This one still piques my interest for mby
  3. Yep, this watch aligns well with modeling for this event. Think northern parts of Wake could be near the warning threshold though given current looks. RAH is staying on top of this one, unlike the last one where it felt they were more reactive once the precipitation started
  4. Man, 850’s are an absolute torch on both NAM and GFS. With the lack of an apps runner, what is causing this surge? I think combined with heavier rates that leads to higher BL temps on some modeling as it eats into the wedge from above.
  5. Goodness. That’s not what you want to see getting close to game time. Cut those totals in half and you have 2002...
  6. We missed (thankfully) on the rain last night. Probably the first Underperformer of the year in the rainfall department. Only 0.11” overnight
  7. From some of the pics and videos showing vehicles thrown I’d say this will likely end up as an EF-3 based on that alone. Some terrible pics and videos emerging this morning. Really confirming radar imagery from last night
  8. For RAH, this is an extremely aggressive map at this juncture
  9. One marked trend going back 48 hours now has been significant cooling of the column north of our sub forum. Much deeper cold air has also been noted on several models in the 900-925 mb layer and has been picked up on as sleet by modeling as such. I don’t know if this will have much impact on surface temps but I wouldn’t be shocked that we start seeing BL temps tick down a degree or two with the noted mid level cooling from previous runs
  10. This wedge definitely looks to keep parts of the triangle in play for significant icing, even down to Raleigh
  11. Winter storm watches hoisted = thread created. Maybe me starting it can send some of Raleigh’s ice barrier to you triad folks and switch this to sleet or cold rain. Good luck everyone
  12. Here we go again. Winter storm watches up for some areas already. RAH starting to sound the alarm on this morning’s discussion. Hoping those who got hit last weekend somehow avoid another major ice event but the modeling is painting an icy picture at this point
  13. 3 deaths, 10 injuries being reported from the Brunswick county tornado last night. Terrible
  14. What’s that, their 4th or 5th event this winter?
  15. Well my buddy in Columbus Ohio doesn’t have the same gripe but is definitely unhappy. They had been forecast to have over a foot of snow but it’s been nothing but a couple inches sleet. I’m sure cliff diving would be similar on here given the buildup and expectation they had. It is falling on a base of 6” of snow and 18 degrees, sigh
  16. It’s either onto something or going down with the ship for sure
  17. On the subject of the NAM, it has surface temps in the mid 30’s and dew points in the lower to mid 20’s Thursday morning. It just doesn’t have hardly any precip. The wet bulb temps are there for an ice storm. As was said above, don’t trust the precip on the NAM. It’s very likely underdone. But don’t be fooled by the surface temps depicted sans precip. If it’s raining at that time as I believe it will be, it will be below freezing much of central and western N.C. with that thermal look
  18. Lol. I think the icon actually did fairly well with surface temps on the last event. Seems slightly colder and “wedgier” this go round. Definitely keeps parts of the triangle as ice through most of the event. CAD regions would have a major ice event
  19. You know it’s bad when Texas and Louisiana are experiencing near blizzard conditions and we can’t even get a novelty glaze of ice. Bad bad
  20. Draw a line from Henderson to hickory. NW of that line is a high probability warning event. Go 1-2 counties south of that line and you’re in the grey area. That’s how you forecast 90% of CAD ice events in NC and this is no exception
  21. When you have the globals onboard this far out and mostly aligning with your mesoscale modeling, you need to start getting prepared in the CAD areas. Classic setup and honestly not that difficult to forecast. It’s the areas outside the most prone CAD regions that are in question as to how far the freezing line will establish itself but if you had bad ice from the last storm I’d take pause with what looks like models are converging on 72 hours our...
  22. These setups are where mesoscale models shine
  23. 900-925mb area is definitely colder than the last event further into SW va and W N.C. Not only for sleet, but this region is important for freezing rain and getting the “super cooled” droplets there produce less runoff and more ice accrual. I would say the favored CAD regions may actually be in line for a deeper wedge this go round. That’s also reflected in the sub freezing surface air bleeding much further south into the upstate. This past storm was a marginal setup that was able to produce damaging ice totals through duration and light precip
  24. A torch and a dry period to get a head start on yard work. My yard is in the worst condition since I’ve owned this house. Watching the weather channel and Monroe, La has had 2 4”+ events since January and it’s currently snowing and 17 degrees. Ugh. This was the real deal arctic blast and just missed us.
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