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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Currently 61.5 after a high of 68.6. 0.09” in the rain bucket. Overcast and drizzly but not wedgy since it’s warm and humid
  2. Man the Canadian is a near miss to the south. This thing isn’t far off
  3. I actually like where this storm is at for now. Cold air comes in from east of mountains which helps too
  4. Man I’ll take suppressed solutions all day everyday (in this timeframe lol) with a setup like that and a coastal bomb. This has piqued my interest. That’s a heckuva hp and this is a storm that could go bonkers from a deepening perspective. Really has the big dog potential
  5. EPS looks positive for couple days. Meh. Euro has coastal. Sees Canadian, coastal, suppressed, cold, meh it’ll be gone tomorrow. GFS is hot anyway. Wakes up, Canadian looks good for this distance. Canadian sucks, always too cold. Euro looks interesting. Interesting doesn’t cut it here. EPS looks strong. Been burnt by this all year. Wait, GFS has coastal bomb. Holy hell lol at Para. Surely the GEFS will suck. Nope. Euro comes in with a bomb. I’m telling myself don’t do it, don’t fall for it, stay away, stay far away until Tuesday at earliest. Inner weenie: BUY EVERYTHING THE PARA IS SELLING BUY IT ALLLLLL
  6. V16 would move this winter up to an A. Literally all this pain would be worth it for that lol
  7. I know it’s late and I know there is no more cliff to jump from since we’re all at the bottom but the Canadian, Euro, and EPS aren’t half bad looks for the March 6-8 timeframe and have had that system for some time now. GFS trended significantly colder overnight as well
  8. GFS says we all may need to band together and build an ark
  9. Every kind of rain, just like in Forrest Gump!
  10. Chilly 35.7 out this morning. Can we talk about yesterday?? 65.2 for a high with brilliant sunshine. Could not be prettier, looking forward to today and maybe breaking 70 for the first time in 2021
  11. I grade this winter even worse than last winter in my feeling after it. At least last year we had some beautiful stretches of weather. It was just cold and rainy throughout this year. Today really has made me realize how much I missed a pleasantly warm, sunny, winter day. Also our snow was daylight last year and stuck around a couple days in the shade. We had zero threats last year but also zero letdowns. That arctic outbreak that seemingly hit everywhere but here after days/weeks of watching it get here on models only to be pushed back further and further until it never came was gut wrenching
  12. Fat lady has sung on winter 20/21. Looking forward to nearing 70 tomorrow and hopefully we have a mild spring with a few dry days sprinkled in! At least many in the upstate and Carolinas avoided getting blanked. Well take our consolation prize I guess... Looking downright springlike after Friday
  13. Only positive about this winter was that it was fun actually tracking threats for two straight months but to see nothing pan out besides a very light snow took the wind out of most our sails
  14. F for me. One overnight snow you had to stay up till 3 am to enjoy and was gone by noon the next day then a million threats that faded as we got into the 2 day range all the while epic cold invaded the southern plains and it snowed multiple Times down to the gulf coast. And, to add insult to injury, we finally had the -NAO and blocking we’ve missed 3 winters in a row during peak winter and couldn’t score. Cold, blocking, and near constant storms from the southern jet and we couldn’t score. That’s an F in my book. I know it was a normal winter temp wise but that’s all we got out of it in Raleigh. Happy for the mountains but that didn’t translate East of there
  15. 31.8 this morning and very foggy/frosty out
  16. This may be our last night near the freezing mark for some time
  17. Wow what a front! 61.3 high just an hour ago now down to 42.2. Heavy storm knocked my power out too for about an hour. 0.35” in the bucket and raining hard.
  18. The fat lady has walked onto the stage and the mic is hot
  19. C but I was tempted to say A because that just sounds so amazing. But two years down the road without snow and I’d be in a bad place can’t imagine 3-5
  20. At least we’ve been tracking constantly this winter but man with what just happened to Texas and the Deep South and you get completely blanked with that cold air on our doorstep hurts more than it should
  21. The only issue is your “natural” style lawn is clearly doing much better than mine https://postimg.cc/9DFsk20M
  22. I’ve tried fescue and found it either isn’t shade tolerant enough or needs water daily but it failed bad when I planted it last spring
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