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Posts posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. Anyone taking the dramatic warming shown on this run as gospel has not lived here long. Wedges ALWAYS stick around longer and are stronger than forecast. The density of the cold air and our geographic orientation make it almost impossible to dislodge that airmass especially with precip falling into it. A couple weeks ago our highs were forecast in the mid 60’s but most of us stayed in mid 40’s through the day. It can definitely warm enough to change to liquid and not freezing rain, but it ain’t getting out of the mid 30’s triangle north and west in this setup 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, ObiWanKarlNobi said:

    Longtime lurker here.  I just registered an account so I could ask a question.  You guys seem to be taking this storm way more seriously then anything else this winter.  Am I correct in thinking that there is higher confidence than usual that this will pan out?  Should I start preparing for an ice storm and a multi-day power outage?

    It has the highest potential to be a significant winter storm given the pattern and cold available of anything this season. Also, CAD events are more prevalent here and usually our “specialty.” Potential doesn’t verify to winter storms all the time. I’d probably wait a couple days to prepare as we’re still in the infancy of the cad solution but I’d definitely keep it on your radar 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, adamant said:

    we did have a few major wind events clear out some of the trees/branches plus I think the maintenance of trimming branches near power lines has improved since the last one but you are correct in that there is a lot of potential damage to be done.

    Yea, but wind doesn’t stress a tree in the same manner. It doesn’t prune them like ice weight does. Any weakness will be exposed, particularly pines, but hardwoods will drop a lot of branches as well. Definitely a concern given the time period since our last significant ice event

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  4. I was living in Alexandria Virginia for several years and we’d been forecast to get a crippling ice storm but got like 4-6” of mostly sleet. “Drifts” where it bounced off roofs stayed for more than a month even as we went into March and for a week afterwards it felt like a glacier 

  5. 1 hour ago, magpiemaniac said:

    I took my Stihl chainsaw in to get serviced today.  That’s guaranteed to hold off an ice storm for at least another year.  Sort of like installing a whole-house generator.  Once you drop the big money on one, you never need to use it.

    It worked according to the gfs 

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