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About TJ3

  • Birthday 07/01/1963

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    McLean, Virginia
  • Interests
    NFL, Civil War, Golf and SNOW

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  1. Wasn’t planning on going to Rehoboth for this one. But might as well. Need to check on the place anyway. DFH and snow is still a good thing.
  2. Milton did really well on storm a month ago. It’s a Sussex County year in Delaware. Silver Lake was beautiful with all the ice two weeks ago
  3. I always felt during the peak of the clipper it snowed with more intensity than anytime during the main event a few days earlier.
  4. Sky just opened up in McLean. From nothing to moderate snow in an instant
  5. A Christmas Eve event here in McLean that actually whitened things up a bit. In the interest of optimism and a positive attitude, I will declare victory as we head into what could be a productive January.
  6. Good call. It was the coldest day time snow I can think of having spent a lifetime in NOVA.
  7. I only post on this board when it is about that storm. Yes it was life changing for me. Before then I loved snow because I was a teenager hoping to get out of school. After that day it was because I was fascinated by what the hell just happened. I thought I was the only one obsessed for years after that storm. Thank God I found this place. With regards to the storm, waking at dawn and looking out my window that Monday morning is still one of the most shocking weather things I ever witnessed. I have not seen those rates in the DMV since. Honestly not even close . February ‘83 was incredible. But no. ‘96 it snowed forever but not close. Biggest drifts I have seen to this day. I have pictures somewhere from ‘66 my dad took. They were actually higher. But I was only 2 1/2 so no actual memory of it. PD1 will stay with me forever.
  8. Even similar to many 70s events in the DMV until things got going in 78 and 79.
  9. These last two storms remind me so much of what we used to get here when I was a kid growing up in the ‘70s. These kind of storms were our go to. It seemed like every heavy snow warning was 4-6. I think my earliest memory of a 6-8 warning was in ‘78. I was so surprised since I didn’t know that was even a thing lol. Then Feb ‘79 came and that changed everything.
  10. Best rates of the evening right now in McLean
  11. Well today they were all in Rehoboth Beach. I was out this morning before the rain and I saw no less than 10 large flocks in one hour. It was incredible. Seemed to be heading South but who knows.
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