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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. Overproducer, closing in on 2'. Biggest storm in over 10 years. I'll post photos later.
  2. I've been telling this to people for months. Totality or bust, and be prepared for it to be cloudy. It'll seem like a huge thunderstorm rolling in even at 98% for my area. There may even be traffic issues. Leaving for Jay at 7AM!
  3. No power, looks about 6" before the flip to sleet. 33.4F
  4. Overproducer. About 4" 31.6F
  5. It flipped back to snow at Waterville. It also looks like the cabin only got between 1/2 and 3/4" rain, so a net gainer. Nice base builder.
  6. After 2.7" rain. Pack nearly decimated in Lowell. Temp hit low 50's this AM, but starting to drop now (48.6F). I'd like to know how we did up north. One neighbor said 10" before the flip to rain. about 12 hours between these two images.
  7. 1" of snow before being washed away with the pack. Down to about 4-6" on the ground in Lowell. 50.2F
  8. Flipped to sleet about 5 minutes ago. Fun while it lasted.
  9. Man I wish I was retired. I just got back last night. I have a public hearing tomorrow in Dracut. Grrr. Back to dendrites from huge aggregates. Closing in on a quick inch.
  10. It breaks my heart b/c it is absolutely dumping. Temp went from 31.1 to 32.9 back down to 32.4
  11. Exact same here in Lowell 31.1/29.3 spitting flakes
  12. Weenie flakes in Thornton. It'll be many hours before the main event. 23.8/19
  13. I can't remember the last time NWS was so bullish on totals 12-18" for Lowell, 5-9" for cabin. I was thinking about 2/3 those totals.
  14. I've had it since last Thursday. Yesterday seemed to be the worst. Still annoying, it'd moved from my sinuses to the lungs. Is this the RSV people are talking about? Worse than the two episodes with Covid for me.
  15. Ahh crap, why did they have to mention Jay Peak? I might have to make alternate plans.
  16. Kinda resembles my brain activity for today. Active, yet perspective given the scale.
  17. That's what my SIL's yard looks like in Portsmouth, RI where I was for Christmas. Her lawn is still growing. I actually enjoyed a cocktail in the sun in the upper 50's. It looked and felt like an early April Easter. That, combined with the recent deluge up north got me thinking how this winter has been a total freaking disaster, especially with nothing to track on the horizon. Sunsets are later, days are getting longer. The freaking ground up at my cabin is not only bare, but not even frozen. Sorry, had to get it out before I took it out on my dog.
  18. Feel like I'm out west with these chips. The bag is as firm as my 28.97
  19. Waterville issued a "save the snow" day being closed today. They probably couldn't open the lifts anyway due to wind. I wouldn't be surprised if other mountains are closed today as well. They should be able to fire up the guns tomorrow night and nearly run them continuous through the rest of the week. Not like I can ski much anyway. I got the Ikon and Waterville Value pass and I think they're both invalid starting Saturday through the end of the year.
  20. WMUR lead off with video from the dam down the end of my street. Somewhat surprised as I've only recorded 2.6" in the bucket. https://www.wmur.com/article/campton-new-hampshire-flooding-dam/46165067#
  21. I believe it. Was at Santa's Village last night. Huge aggregates and the lights made for a festive evening. There was about 2" on the ground when we left around 6 or so. Back here in Thornton there was about 1/2" on the ground, but temp was 33.4, so it wasn't really accumulating. Got 3" since then, but Waterville is reporting 7" at base and 8" up top. Heading out now.
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