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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. Looks like NE MA and S NH going to get in on the pivot point. Someone in that area is going to >20"
  2. Yeah, I just got in on it here in eastern Lowell, but it began collapsing. :/ About 6" OTG 28.3/26
  3. Congrats James, wind and wet snow. Do you lose power often down there? If so, get ready. That's some heavy snow!
  4. Has James chimed in? Looks like he's been snow for nearly the whole event. Does he flip? 40" though.... gonna be tough.
  5. At least the bands are pivoting, but there is a clear subsidence zone which appears to be 495 southwest through Worcester into C CT. Hopefully it moves west so some of us get in on the goods. Ray may have 50% more than me even though he's only 6 or 7 miles southeast.
  6. I got 0.04" rain in the bucket and snow's already accumulating on pavement. Temp is only going to drop from here on out. Bigger question is where does the subsidence set up? 32.6/31
  7. Lite snow, starting to accumulate on all surfaces 32.9/31 https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KMALOWEL35
  8. That low level easterly crap was rain over my backyard, but things should hopefully cool by midnight when the main event stats. 34.2/31
  9. http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/space-weather-enthusiasts
  10. radar starting to fill in. Of course it's got a screw hole going down 495. I hope it's not a sign of things to come.
  11. Someone should start a storm specific observation thread.
  12. 8 in Lowell. Ratios should be pretty good, but will wind affect density?
  13. Lots of NYC weenies spotted on the George Washington... clasping deflated balls
  14. The RPM model (I think) that all the met's have been using cornholes us. Personally, I'd rather see it come northwest for the mountains, but I'll take an easterly solution that pushes the subsidence east and jackpots the Merrimack Valley
  15. I didn't think it was too sick until I noticed the vaseline on the hotdog
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