Looking to pick up some new skis this fall. My current skis are basically GS skis (185's (115-68-99) which are fine for anything less than say 6" of snow, but now that I'm getting in about 40 days/year, and the ability to hit most powder days I'm looking for something wider.
So do I get something wide like a Blizzard Rustler (142-114-132) just for powder days, or something like a Bonafide / Enforcer as an everyday ski?
I actually got close to 6" in that 90 or so minute burst under 35dBZ returns, but I found it so hard to believe (4"/hr!?!??!) that I rounded down to 4.5". Of course when I post totals, I usually caveat "unofficial".
I'll back Ray up , all you got to do is go back in this thread. He was a couple inches ahead of me and that death band sat over him longer than me. Watch the radar loop.
Yeah, we (up north) don't get the 12"+ storms, but don't you worry, you'll get yours tonight and tomorrow and Thursday... I don't think I get an actual snow "pack" around here, but up north it will linger into mid April, maybe longer!
Taking that official 14" for Lowell (arguably low/actual measurement) at 4:30 and adding the 4.5" since then and we're at 18.5". Looks like a 20 spot is all but guaranteed.
Heard another report in Lowell of 14" at 4:30. That would mean they're close to 16" by now, but I think that report was probably an actual measurement.
I was taking measurements this AM when I was about 2-2.5" behind Ray. Haven't taken a legit measurement since then, but I'd wager we're pretty close to Ray since the returns had been generally heavier this afternoon. He's also only 6 or 7 miles to my southeast. I'm guessing about 18".
Ray, what are you at?
Just getting crushed in Lowell under 35dBZ returns. Starting to worry about the white pines. Boughs are nearly touching the ground, that's usually when the upper ones start to give.
Wind is pretty light, 29.2/28.
Been dumping since about noon. Looks like a few more hours of this then an inch or two overnight. I think 20 burgers from 128 up through southern NH into Worcester