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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. snowing at the base of Waterville Valley ~1800'
  2. Temp dropped to 37.5/33, some wet flakes mixing in.
  3. temp rising 43.2/34. Expecting rain through mid afternoon, then what? I'm feeling this is going to be a 2k elevation snow
  4. I got a PTZ cam mounted, but need software advice to put it public. Any recommendations from anyone?
  5. There are a few natural patches in the woods up here (and a solid foot up at Waterville on the hiking trails). But it's looking like we're through mud season and onto spring. Maybe I can squeeze out a couple inches of mashed tomorrow.
  6. I'm borderline in Thornton. Do you think models underestimate dynamic cooling? I think that's my only hope.
  7. Been spitting a mix of drizzle, snow and sleet past couple hours, but I get shadowed by the Sandwich mountain range. 35.4/30
  8. small flurries. I'm guessing it's some low level stuff? 32.8/29
  9. temp holding at 33.6. The sleet is accumulating, but no snow as of yet.
  10. Whereabouts are you these days? I hope you have NH plates. :/ I hear they've been giving out of staters the one finger wave.
  11. Sleet past 15 minutes. There's a warm layer. :/
  12. Snowing at Waterville, or at least it had been. 35.7/31 here at 1100', 34.5 at 1600'
  13. 37.8/33. I can see the cloud deck, so I assume it's falling as rain, but it's likely snowing down to about 2000' on MWN based on their temperature profile. Unfortunately the base lodge cam at Wildcat is down.
  14. Dang, so close, but at least entertaining.
  15. Without the groomers it was bulletproof over the weekend. Thank God I had just tuned my skis. But today was great!
  16. Over performers are the best. Closing in on 6" already
  17. 28.8/26 about an inch OTG. No problem sticking to all surfaces up here.
  18. First flakes in Thornton, 29.5/21
  19. Cabin back yard faces due north and slopes down, so great snow retention. I'd guess it's between 8-10" deep and probably 3-4" of water content.
  20. When was your leafout in '12?
  21. big members from the super weenie
  22. It looks like that area of Northfield would downslope during SE flow.
  23. Had to leave Thornton at 4:30 for a selectman's meeting in Pelham. Literally said one word, then drove back. 4.5 hrs of shti. Snow and 24F from Thornton to about mm 45, then it started to creep up until I reached 35 in Pelham and rain. Similar conditions on the way back. Seemed to remain all snow north of mm 60. 26.4F for a high, 9.1 for a low. Measuring 6.5". On another note, finally got my Davis Weatherlink. Is there any way to post to Weatherunderground without paying a monthly fee?
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