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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. Trust me, I tried! We're getting furniture delivered tomorrow, so I was probably going to lose regardless. Pick your battles. I told her I would head back north if the NAM, NAM3k showed improvements. Didn't see it.
  2. Balmy 53.9/27. Wife wants to head back to Lowell. I guess I'll be watching it from my webcam. :/
  3. No WSW for me, but 3-5". I'm thinking heavy accumulations (>6") above 1500'. Prolly once again my neighbors get accumulating snows and I'm watching heavy aggregates slushing my way up to a sloppy inch.
  4. Eggs and legs at the Blue Moon, lol. Good ole' days. Only a sloppy inch here in Corona central. Could have been more. Just got out of bed. Was raining at 4am, with a couple wet flakes starting to mix in.
  5. Haha, Randolph now makes 2 cases in Coos county. Congrats on the home! That's a great location if you ski. Wildcat and Bretton woods both with 1/2 hour and arguably two of the best NH mountains if you ask me. Cannon not much farther. What incredible views of the presidentials. You planning on moving full time? If so, you'll have to keep tabs on totals and will be giving Alex and J.Spin competition for top honors. https://wkevin.com/new_england_snow/
  6. Just lost power (around midnight). 0.98" yesterday's bucket, peak gust only 18mph, but hill to my south keeps winds down.
  7. 6am today. On a private Rd. Not sure how much longer but there are far worse problems in the world. Kinda nice not having TV Do you have a wood stove or a fireplace? Agreed!
  8. Thanks to no inspections (aside from wood stove and septic) and Craigslist, I saved a shi#load. Kitchen: $3k, bathroom $1k, septic: $3k, waterline $5k, electric and plumbing about $1k each. Foundation was $10k, but there are a lot of other expenses like machine rentals, floors, stain, window treatments, fasteners, furnace, hot water heater, propane tank, driveway, lawn, etc... Realistically, take the cost of the kit and double it, and you'll still have to drop about $10k for misc help. Oh and because I live in a community https://www.waterville-estates.com/explore/photos-videos, I pay a LOT in taxes and dues, about $10k a year. But it's an awesome community and I think worth every penny. I work form home, so I prettymuch live up here.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's all he drinks. He can polish off a fifth and get up for first chair! Even more impressive is he's about 63, 6'2" 275, double knee replacement and still rips it up.
  10. Mike's a good guy and drinks fine Scotch. Yeah, I wish I was higher. The freak Memorial Day snow back around 2013, Taylor drive had about 5". I got about an inch, but nada in the valley. Good thing you have NH plates. Some people are weird around here.
  11. You were in my hood? Should have stopped by :). This was at 7AM. Taylor drive up on the left, Campton Mountain in the center, and I put a yellow dot where I'm at. I thought about taking the rock skis out. I only had about 1.75". Amazing how much elevation played a role. One of my bud's house only about 100' higher had about twice what I got. I almost bought one of the lots on the top of Campton mountain but Mike (nice house up top) wouldn't sell me a lot. He's got the best views in the estates.
  12. Bought the land 10 years ago when economy was in the shitter and land was real cheap. But even today, you can probably find a similar lot for about $25k. The kit 10 yrs ago cost $57, and about another $40k to finish. Did all the work with help from friends and family. I mean, we did everything from clearing, grubbing, digging, pouring the footings, designing and installing the septic, electric and plumbing. The only parts I hired someone for (other than family, some which I paid) was the foundation, waterline and shingles. Hurricane Irene was coming and I ran out of time. No inspections (other than septic and wood stove) so we started staying in it as soon as it was weathertight. I think it was that Hurricane Irene weekend. Log cabin kits are pretty easy. I never would have done it myself but my dad said it's like Lincoln Logs, just bigger, and he was right. Taxes are high in NH, but it's 90 minutes form Lowell.
  13. Only about 1/2" here at 1100', nothing in the valley and 3" at 1800'
  14. 33.4/29, but this is not accumulating. Just a 1/4" of slush. :/
  15. Just flipped (albeit slowly) to snow. 35.6/32
  16. white rain, 36.1/32 (1100'), 34.7 (1600')
  17. Column is slowly cooling. The initial mix of frozen probably had more to do with evaporational cooling, Since then I've dropped about a degree and it's back to some mainly rain/mixed precip, but the radar returns are diminishing for now. I think it will flip to more of a snow mix as soon as the heavier echoes return. 36.9/33 at 1100', 35.6 at 1600'. Earlier it was a degree warmer at 1600' than me.
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