I skied Cannon on the 21st. Just finally got around to putting together a video of the last run. Great season, got in 50 days, but it took 7 days of skinning/hiking to get there.
Here it is mid May and I've only mowed my lawn (front only) once in Lowell and I likely won't have to in NH until June. Trees as bare as the top of Kevin's head.
Was April colder than May?
Glad I didn't stay up north for this one. 35.1/31 and white rain/non accumulating snow. Meanwhile just a few hundred above it's accumulating. Waterville (1800') getting crushed. https://www.waterville.com/cams
VT has the 2.5k (or whatever it's called) where no homes above 2500' I think. Some parts of S VT (Woodford area) and Florida MA are near 2500'. Highest house in my hood is just under 2k