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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. NH mountains will be open as well. They were the last to close, and it doesn't hurt when your Governor used to run a resort and promises a good ski season.
  2. Peaked here last weekend, about 2 weeks earlier than normal. It IS kinda sad. I feel bad for the folks who booked Columbus Day weekend. It might as well be November.
  3. I'll be checking it out. If it's recently cleared, watch out for small stumps. East, SE face, I wonder how it is for snow retention? That area does get a lot of natural snow. I'm guessing it could be around 200"
  4. Agree for the most part, but I also saw what I perceived to be new comers and minorities possibly discovering hiking and not knowing about take out what you take in and don't leave a trace. The Hike the 48 4000'er FB page was full of Karens' comments.
  5. I've seen traffic on 93 back to almost pre-Covid levels the past few weekends.
  6. Touche! I've broken collar bone and humerus, dislocated shoulder (twice), sprained knee and thumbs, been impaled in the arse by a fallen tree. Lost unknown toe nails due to oversized boots, bruised ribs and probably dealt with minor frostbite, frostnip on countless occasions. But the scariest of them all was falling into a tree hole at Stowe that took me over 1/2 hour to get out.
  7. I think it'll be a big mistake if they don't loosen up restrictions. The feared transmission from urban southern New England states to rural northern NE counties never materialized. Skiing is probably one of the safest activities I can think of.
  8. I think 2010-2011 was pretty good for the 128-495 belt. I'm wondering how the Whites did... now that's where I'm calling home in winter.
  9. Anyone have a map of how NE did in 10/11? Who were the winners and losers?
  10. Was that a new record low? I know 40's are pretty rare in Boston this time of year. 39.3/31 low for me (Thornton) this AM.
  11. If I were them, I'd blow out some mice tomorrow morning for some cheap PR. Low dew's and 31F for a low would likely make it possible. Edit, looks like temps and especially dew's won't be low enough.
  12. Another 1.32" in past hour. Storm total 2.32". That's about 2 inches in 90 minutes about a 10 year storm event (using Boston IDF curves). Rational Method - IDF Curve.pdf
  13. 0.98" and about 0.75 of it cam in the past 15 minutes (Lowell).
  14. Great, another virus/bacteria we need to worry about. On a happier note, I'm seeing first flakes fly at Breckenridge. Bring on winter!
  15. Might as well watch the temp drop and radar flip: https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap?lat=39.47&lon=-105.95&zoom=11&type=hybrid&units=english
  16. They always seem to get heavy snows early in the season. Usually the first ski area to open 100%
  17. It is insane. Denver forecast high in mid 90's today and winter storm watch tonight.
  18. This rapid intensification makes sense. Good outflow, low shear, decent forward motion and very warm SST's (Harvey mentioned 85F). Even if it's churning up, it's still much warmer than other tropical areas. That shelf is only a couple hundred feet deep. Storm surge is going to go way the hell inland. 25-30 miles.
  19. Cat 5 at landfall may be probability and not a possibility
  20. There's a FEMA .kmz file you can download and display on Google Earth. The 100 year flood zone extends inland about 25 miles from the coast. It does not appear there is many that live in this area, but I sure as hell hope those folks that do evacuate to higher ground.
  21. rime ice on the rockpile this AM https://www.facebook.com/MWObs/
  22. Drone footage of Oak Island (NC).
  23. apparently power out at cabin since abotu 6:30. Peak gust in Lowell only 16 mph, but my anemometer is well shielded by large oaks to the south.
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