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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. Hitter in the shitter. That's a big dump on Phin
  2. 12hr GFS, NAM 3k and 12k seem to want to hold onto the cold a little longer. Reggie is a soaker. Ekster/ Legro have confidence in their forecasts?
  3. I hope not. I definitely thought you would see a net gain. I'm hoping to ski BW Saturday.
  4. I agree, you guys will net gain. I think I'll maintain the 1" of water locked in snow.
  5. GFS definitely piqued my interest.
  6. The view of the Presidential's from the north is probably my favorite. So that's probably where I'd spend winters. Summers there too, but in SNE, I like the Onset area. It's essentially the Cape, but no bridge to cross. I like the beach, my wife grew up on Aquidneck Island. I know she want's a house on the beach, but I'm going to try to sell her on the Outer Banks. Can get there in a day's driving, land is affordable, and great spot for 'canes. Spend late spring, fall there and summers/winters up north.
  7. My ride to/from mountain is only 15-20 minutes, but that's all you need. Yes, it's been mild. Like I said, I only got the cough and it's been very minor (no longer an issue). One day of achiness. Today I feel 100%, but I know I may not be through the woods just yet. Weird, for the first time in my life I woke up with beautiful breath. I guess I lost my sense of smell a bit, but it's seemed to have returned. Very relieved. When I heard I was exposed, I'll admit I was a bit nervous because you never know how bad it's going to be. I have type O blood, and some say blood type may have to do with how bad it is, who knows? Cases are through the roof. Don't let your guard down.
  8. Initially it was the cough. Wasn't exactly dry. Got aches about 4 days after exposure, but since then it's been mainly the cough. The two others that skied with me are mild as well, but a neighbor is in ICU. Think of others and do your diligence. The season could be shut down.
  9. Welp, looks like I won't be doing any skiing for another week or two. At least none that doesn't involve hiking. I actually got it (Covid) from someone I skied with last Saturday. Not from the skiing itself, but from driving up in the same car and having breakfast and lunch together. So even though we followed all the guidelines, it's still possible. Don't let your guard down.
  10. I just did a core sample. About 1.05" of water content. I'd wager 95% of that is in the bottom 3 or so inches. The past few days of nickel and diming glorified dustings amount to about 2" give or take. I really don't upslope at all, but sometimes cash in on the residual moisture like we've been having. If we get a cutter that drops a 1/2" of rain, most of it will just build the pack, especially when the core gets a little thicker. I started a thread a couple years ago about where you'd draw the line between what parts of New England typically form a snow pack, because over the past ten years of going back and forth, one definitely exists up here (Lowell is just a little too far south). It's been below freezing all but about 4 hours this "year". However, back in Lowell it's been below freezing about 1/2 the time. I'm pretty sure the ground is bare down there as well.
  11. I really like days like today. Just cold enough for the flurries to accumulate and cover up any of the dirt or pavement and keep the trees white. Nice winter feel. Also probably more to do with havinig to quarantine. One of the guys I spent Saturday skiing and drinking with tested positive. My rapid test came back negative, but I'm pretty sure it was just taken too soon. A little but of a cough.
  12. We got one fan gun for the local hill here at Waterville Estates. Two years ago we laid down about an acre-foot of snow on our rope tow trail in December using our domestic water supply. It was a wild success and we were able to keep the rope tow open Christmas week and it lasted into April (there was still some snow left mid May). Last year a few members who don't ski successfully prevent us from using the domestic water (they "didn't buy here for the amenities"). Fortunately there was a huge backlash from most of the owners who do, so now we're looking to draw water from one of the local ponds (about 1000' away). There are 3 main trails served by our double chair, so we're hoping we can get at least one of those trails covered in man made next winter. How we do this with on gun, we'll have to figure out, but the main trail is only about 3 additional acres and it finishes on the rope tow slope. It's only about 315' vertical, but it's a great place for the kids. We have night skiing and a great little lodge. Perfect place to hit on weekend nights. The atmosphere is great.
  13. When did Vail Resorts buy out the corporation that owned Wildcat? It is a shame what's going on. I agree, Wildcat isn't even trying. Cannon, Loon, Waterville and even Bretton Woods have been blowing snow and opening up more terrain. I know it's been a tough winter, but those resorts, particularly Cannon and Loon are ~50% open. Wildcat has 9 trails (18%) open. There's almost no point going there. I'd also wager they get the most natural snow too.
  14. Nice dendrites, super dry and slick on the roads. 24.8F
  15. started off as a mix of pellets and aggregates. Now light snow. 26.6. about 1/2"
  16. Pretty much! Technically the deck.
  17. Nice aggregates to whiten everything up. About 1/2" 32.1/24 <-- I think my hygrometer is defective
  18. Cannon closed today. Weird. A little wind??
  19. Just took my first real peek at the models. Looks like potential for some decent accretion in CNE. Be interesting to see how this plays out. Supposed to go to RI, but I may stay north for the show.
  20. Ahh crap, sorry to hear about that. Hopefully the surgeries have helped with your situation. The models have trended somewhat favorably. I hope you're right!
  21. I mistakenly left you out Ginxy. Maybe that or did I hear you won't be doing much skiing this year? Surgery or something? Hope all is well and I'll check that thread. Thanks!
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