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About MarkO

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  • Location:
    Thornton, NH 1100', Lowell, MA 200'

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  1. Mere 1/2" in Lowell, so that puts it at about an inch OTG. Might just barely meet the White Christmas theshold if it remains cloudy today. The cabin does much better with these clipper events. About 4.5" new from this event and it looks like there's about 8-10" of a snow pack with 2" of white cement on the bottom.
  2. It flipped a couple hours ago, looks like 2" new on the deck.
  3. Supposedly Steamboat had their largest avalanche over Thanksgiving weekend, and it's dumping now. Time to wake the boys and get their asses out of bed.
  4. Just went for a ride. About 2" on valley floor, close to 4" here at 1100', nad about 6" at 1500'
  5. It's dumping pancakes. It's been snow all day, but nothing to show for it. About 3" of dense wet pack OTG. If you're wondering, yeah, blew off both Thanksgiving dinners nad came up last night. Hopefully you all understand bc nobody else seems to.
  6. Speaking of ski areas, was planning to ski Watervillle, but got word they were only going to have two lifts open up top and downloading on the 6-seat Tecumseh Express. I told one of the employees if they end up with a foot of snow, you can expect skiers to be ducking ropes and skiing to the bottom.
  7. Gene and I typically have similar conditions and seasonal totals. But there are times when I'm getting rain, and he's still dumping snow and vice versa. I believe our elevations are pretty similar.
  8. Figuratively, her's is! She just told me "I'm Air B&B'ing a condo in Florida in January with my sisters". I told her "Awesome, have a good time, I'll pop in for a long weekend, and oh, yeah, I just booked a week at Steamboat with Bryan." She asked me which boyfriend Brian, or Bryan?, I told her the pilot one, lol. It's just how our relationship has worked over the years. She's always been very close with her sisters, as I am with my friends. The kids are grown/independent (college junior, highschool senior). We've learned things like holidays and Thanksgiving aren't worth fighting over. We used to fight over it, but now that we've been married for 22 years, it's actually much better.
  9. Only about a mile as the crow flies, but it's about a 5 minute drive to the beginning on 49.
  10. When it comes to skiing and snowstorms, she know's better, lol. It's the reason I built the cabin in the first place. Plus, she's on call, so she's heading back from RI after dinner.
  11. Screw people. I just changed plans from dinner in RI (wife's side dinner aroun 6pm) to Danvers (my side 1pm) and going to bail out of there by 2, and spend the evening up north with just my dog and a roaring wood stove
  12. Hmm,well the American models just made things interesting with their latest run with an 990 mb low in the GOM. Might have to make some changes to the Thanksgiving Day travels.
  13. The CMC and Reggie are consistent with the potential for 4-8" in the mountains, at least enough to cover the ground and make for some travel headaches.
  14. I'veheard a fire is threatening Butternut. Anyone know the details?
  15. I thought about it, but it's a 45 minute drive each way and only 1 open run.
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