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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. The littler one woke up at about 3:00 am - I think the thunder did it. I had a look at the radar and saw that we were *just* on the eastern edge of that cell in Fairfax County, so I decided to go back to sleep. We got the light show and maybe 0.50-0.75" of rain.
  2. With TS Lee, I had somewhere in the 7" range in like three hours, after there having been 3" or something earlier in the day. Just SE of me around Belvoir, they had it even worse. It was kind of exciting, but the bailing out of the basement and the complete water damage in one bathroom and partial in one ceiling just sucked.
  3. Extreme lawn-mowing! But yeah...my one neighbor tends to mow once every 5-6 weeks. They're lovely people, but it's infuriating. The folks that used to live there kept their place immaculate, but these folks...don't.
  4. This is the never-ending debate around here. Do we root for the most extreme solution or do we hope for the less exciting solution out of concern for safety? We always hear that weather's gonna weather, and no amount of hoping it does one or the other ultimately matters, so might as well root for the extreme solution. Not sure I buy that since that extreme solution could end up IMBY. Extreme weather is exciting, but it also usually results in bad sh*t happening.
  5. Central PA can have 7-8" of rain. I don't want it. Just have a spinny make its way through the county park down the street from me so there's no property damage. Thanks.
  6. Can confirm that humans taste like chicken.
  7. They kinda do. I once had buffalo gator nuggets down in New Orleans. Magical (especially after a day on Bourbon Street). Pick your poison. I will say, though, that gators are nothing to F with...especially for people who aren't used to watching out for them.
  8. Oh yeah...definitely worth the trouble and cost to take an alligator from Maryland down to Florida. Kind of like on HHI where they "relocate" alligators that get a little too used to people.
  9. A carefully aimed .22 would take care of that.
  10. That's what I mean though. Maybe I'm reading your post incorrectly, but you seem to be referring to QPF though your image reflects PWATS. Just trying to clarify...
  11. That assumes that PWATS = precip.
  12. This is so true. I've got pretty good drainage, but the front of our house is still messy and not graded well since our porch construction is nearing completion, so the last thing I need after nearly a foot of rain in the last 6 weeks or so is a TS Lee redux.
  13. Yup. My third-grader's bus was 25 minutes late on the first day of school and was 30 minutes late on the way home on Wednesday. It's a little frustrating, but it is what it is.
  14. Happy to forego heavy rain. Just don't need it.
  15. Was about to say the same. No idea how there’s still power and/or internet!
  16. But I thought you said the other day that it was going to go south of us.
  17. Very true. Swim meets affect me. Tropical doesn’t.
  18. Oh shite…lol. I have no idea what I’m talking about. And I won’t edit it because I need to accept my stupidity.
  19. 18z 3k NAM takes Henri down to 885 prior to landfall.
  20. Look at this thing that just dropped like two minutes of rain.
  21. You’re getting what skittered by me and then consolidated.
  22. Man…serious Burke split and then it consolidated as it moved past. Lots of T&L happening to my SE.
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