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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. I'm all about it. The more I can shit up the board with extraneous drivel, the better.
  2. Your take is like referring to the winter of 2009-2010 as the winter of 2010. Or is it 2009?
  3. Texas chili is meat, no beans!
  4. Here's the thing though... When you get to the end of the month, you're talking about the next month. It makes sense to have a thread that encompasses both, so when you get near the end of a month you create a new thread to encompass the end of that month and into the next month. I don't care all that much, but there's a valid reason for doing it the way WinterWxLuvr suggests. Or we could just go the CAPE route...
  5. The 2022 GFS infallibility bubble is about to burst.
  6. We shouldn't go gung ho on any threat that's less than a 2-3 days out. This is a really good catch by @LP08, though, and something to keep an eye out for in future runs.
  7. Wish we could slow down the ejection of that energy in the southwest by 8-10 hours. Let that cold bleed in and run the precip up and over it.
  8. Just where we want it on this latest incarnation of the Euro. Right?
  9. But cold air is cold air, whether it's bleeding in or draining away. If you're referring to surfaces that are already cold due to cold preceding the precip, then that makes some sense, but that liquid will eventually freeze as the temps fall, and evaporative cooling will help with the process of falling temps.
  10. I don’t think you have to worry about your community taking years to recover from the great frontal passage of February 4, 2022.
  11. If the GFS dropped a foot on a large area of our subforum for multiple runs in a row with close hits on other models, we’d have started one, too.
  12. The idea was they could minimize travel by sticking the games in the Midwest since we had to play near Toronto yesterday. It would also allow the players to acclimatize a bit better by having them all close to one another. No matter what, it’s going to be brutal.
  13. Do we want that energy out west to take its time ejecting east? So...confluence/cold presses south a little quicker while the energy holds back a bit more = more precip arriving later as the cold air has had more time to press down?
  14. So I guess the GEFS likes the idea of an ice storm. Interesting, but meh.
  15. Damn...now I want to make chili. My chili is more of a stew, and I like to steer clear of adding too many beans (I throw in black beans in mine). Very different than the kidney bean and ground beef chili that I grew up with and which my wife makes (which is damn good in itself!). I may have to do that later this week...
  16. 11/30: T 12/8: T 1/3: 9.25" 1/7: 2.75" 1/16: 3.00" 1/20: T 1/28: 1.00" Total as of 1/31: 16"
  17. In this kind of setup, are we looking for the confluence to press a bit more and for the heights to decrease? I also assume we'd like to see that shortwave hold back a bit longer to allow the cold air to press before the energy ejects.
  18. Alright folks…Maestro’s math doesn’t add up, so let’s all just stop talking about it.
  19. But have you really picked up that much? It’s been snowing for at least five hours now and I only have 0.5”.
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