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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. It’s unreal how close this was to a big hit for the majority of our subforum members. Really just a timing issue - just a tick faster or slower here or there and we’re in the goods. I pretty much discount the November snow because it was such an anomaly, so this would have been a great “real” start to the season.
  2. Forecasters will bust from time to time because it’s part of the territory. Thing is...with him it’s kind of funny to see happen because of his personality.
  3. Updates (being just a little more realistic): BWI: 30.6” DCA: 21.1” IAD: 38.7” RIC: 13.9” SBY: 10.4”
  4. Burke, Fairfax County November 15: 2” (didn’t measure, but reports seem to jive)
  5. BWI: 34.6” DCA: 6.1” IAD: 43.7” RIC: 19.9” SBY: 89.4” * I may or may not make changes before submitting for good Oh...we’re doing IMBYs, too? Then 377.1” IMBY.
  6. I'm pretty impressed. I always go with BWI and RIC on or around the same dates, and didn't think we'd get enough of a cool down to get BWI there just yet. Hopefully Richmond can hold off for a couple more weeks. DCA...forget it.
  7. I know...and you confirmed that the thread is dumb.
  8. DCA: 11/26 BWI: 11/2 IAD: 10/20 RIC: 11/2 Tiebreaker: 2.2"
  9. Beautiful garden, psu. I’m definitely jealous that you have so much sun-drenched land to lay out a really useful space. I’ll be laying out my space much differently than it is now, and I’ll likely be putting up a cage structure to help keep the pests out. This year has been worse than ever with squirrels and chipmunks doing a number on plenty of my plants. I’ve got a ton of trees around, which will make it a little difficult to clean up in the fall, but I’ll make it work.
  10. It's a little surprising that it's been that dry in the last month, but in no way do I think we should be thinking too hard about any long-term effects. If we're still parched come July or so, then I think we can start talking about issues. I need to get the dethatching rake out to pick up the holly leaves that came down this winter. The dryness and cold did a number on the holly in my front yard - it lost at least 1/3 of the leaves by the time the windstorm finished. Those leaves choke the life out of a lawn since they don't break down easily. Once I get those up, I'll probably get to mowing for the first time this year.
  11. Doesn’t matter. Just normal variation.
  12. I'd imagine that precip is the limiting factor for heat in most summer months: More rain/less heat v. less rain/more heat.
  13. Isn't there already a thread that covers the topic in the above slew of posts? Just sayin'...
  14. Feel for you guys - tough livin' in winter down there. If it makes things any easier, our snow may mostly be gone this week!
  15. http://w2.weather.gov/climate/local_data.php?wfo=lwx
  16. Ice storms suck because they're a wasted combination of QPF and cold surface temps.
  17. Yeah...we had one good band in mid-morning, but otherwise it was mostly intermittent light/moderate snow.
  18. 26-28" wins hands-down. 'Eff the rest. The second February 2010 storm was interesting, but I had about 8" total, so I'm not that taken by it. Thing is, I feel like we're far less likely to get a storm like that again - a raging Miller B - than we are a February 5-6, 2010 storm - a quality Miller A.
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