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mattie g

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Posts posted by mattie g

  1. It’s unreal how close this was to a big hit for the majority of our subforum members. Really just a timing issue - just a tick faster or slower here or there and we’re in the goods.

    I pretty much discount the November snow because it was such an anomaly, so this would have been a great “real” start to the season.

  2. 4 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    Thanks. I am getting better. Breathing is starting to feel normal again finally. Just need to get my strength back. Hopefully by the time our big xmas snowstorm hits I will be fully recovered and ready to build snow forts with my son. 

    I wasn't going to say anything but I do hope everyone that puts time into this knows how much it means to me and others. Thank you. 

    That just sucks, psu. Glad you’re fighting it off and you’ve seemingly turned a corner.

    Consistently getting fringed really takes it out of you, I guess. You need to move south!

    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    Looking forward to a cold, dry winter weekend- perfect for finishing some outside projects, stacking some firewood, and finishing off the leaves.

    Great football weekend too.

    Just picked up some Founders Backwoods Bastard, and DFH World Wide Stout. Gonna pour a Backwoods here shortly.

    Backwoods Bastard is really good this year.

    Decided to say F this cold/bronchitis and just cracked an Aslin Triple Orange Starfish. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, ryanconway63 said:

    DT is going to Bust big time.  WOW

    Forecasters will bust from time to time because it’s part of the territory. Thing is...with him it’s kind of funny to see happen because of his personality.

    • Like 2
  5. 28 minutes ago, MillvilleWx said:

    It's pretty sad to know we are on the 11th page of the Panic thread in early December when the area has already had a snowstorm reach Advisory and Winter Storm Warning status for a majority of the sub-forum. Long range looks great, and I for one am LOVING the look in mid-late January when I'm in town ^_^

    I’m not panicking by any stretch, but I am annoyed that we’ve had this threat window for quite a while, but we’re totally whiffing because the system is getting squashed into oblivion.

    And not only that, but any snow in the Christmas season is automatically more special for a lot of people. To miss that is a gut punch.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

    I really almost wish the weeklies and monthlies were showing a 'meh' pattern and not some souped up epic looking cant fail appearance. I think alot of folks are setting themselves up for disappointment this year. You can already get a sense how this year is going to play out if you've been following the general pattern and tendencies since mid summer aside from the fluke Nov tease. 

    What’s your assessment, Ralph? If you think we already have a sense about how the year will play out, then why don’t you tell us what that sense is so that we don’t have to guess?

  7. 1 hour ago, mappy said:

    not sure if you are, or have, dealing/dealt with this... 

    we are at the stage where everything that goes wrong is the most dramatic thing

    get toothpaste on her shirt? OMG THROW ALL MY CLOTHES OUT MOM

    drop food on the floor and dog eats it? THE END OF DAYS ARE COMING AND I HATE THAT DOG

    can't figure out math problem? TAKE IT ALL AWAY I DONT WANT TO LEARN ANYTHING

    and so on... 


    We’re dealing with different issues, but all similarly frustrating.

    I didn’t tell you I wanted peanut butter and jelly (she did) because I hate peanut butter and jelly.

    *Dad eats sandwich*

    Why did you eat my sandwich? You’re the worst daddy ever and I don’t want to talk to you again!


    Why did you put toothpaste on my toothbrush? I wanted to do it! *Brushes just enough to get some bubbles going and proceeds to spew the bubbles all over the sink. Then puts more toothpaste on the brush only to rinse it all off because she “feels like it”*

    Little monster...

  8. 1 hour ago, nj2va said:

    like moths to a flame.  how could I forget that one?

    Pretty sure I won Facebook last year for a comment to Fairfax County Public Schools regarding one closure, so this moth lifted its leg and pissed on the flame that day.


    • Haha 1
  9. 55 minutes ago, mappy said:

    not sure :P 

    i'll have a special place for Mattie as his oldest kid, and mine, are a week or so apart in age. so we def can relate on the growing pains with almost 6-year old girls. 

    They’re sh*ts, aren’t they? Good Christ...

  10. 10 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:

    That’s too bad. We really liked you. Just make sure that your homemade hootch operation continues and you send us a few cases of the good stuff as we trudge through another winter of misery and shattered dreams.

    Can you delete my account, then ensure that people always ask about me?



  11. 32 minutes ago, MillvilleWx said:

    Yikes. Hope y'all get better soon. My wife been fighting a sinus cold for a week now and I just couldn't get away and it caught up to me this morning. Woke up with sore throat and feeling like blah. I'm gutting it out at work, but I could really use some rest and Nyquil. 


    27 minutes ago, showmethesnow said:

    You probably should be getting some bed rest. I was away on a trip when I got sick so i never had a chance to rest because I was so busy. Paid for it as this has held on. Finally had a chance to take it easy the last few days and I am finally now shaking it.

    I hear you both.

    Our kindergartner was sick for a while, and it finally got my wife, 15-month-old, and me about 5 days ago. It’s been a really rough weekend. Went from a horrendous sinus situation to setting in our chests over a couple days. I feel quite a bit better today, but the wife is really struggling with a cough, so I’m staying home to take care of the little one. Hopefully will help me rest a little, as well.

    Hope you and your families feel better soon!

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Bob Chill said:

    Jan 16 was one in a million. The only time we get stable long lead stuff is when there's a stable west based block. Feb 2010 was similar in that regard but both storms (especially the second one) went through many ups and downs at long leads. Dec 09 had doubts 48-72 hours out. 

    In this hobby it's a good rule of thumb to never get invested until d4 and even that is pushing it  

    Thanks, rerun24. jimbob2162 has been getting a little too excited and needed to be talked down.

    • Haha 1
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