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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. I'd imagine that precip is the limiting factor for heat in most summer months: More rain/less heat v. less rain/more heat.
  2. Isn't there already a thread that covers the topic in the above slew of posts? Just sayin'...
  3. Feel for you guys - tough livin' in winter down there. If it makes things any easier, our snow may mostly be gone this week!
  4. http://w2.weather.gov/climate/local_data.php?wfo=lwx
  5. Ice storms suck because they're a wasted combination of QPF and cold surface temps.
  6. Yeah...we had one good band in mid-morning, but otherwise it was mostly intermittent light/moderate snow.
  7. 26-28" wins hands-down. 'Eff the rest. The second February 2010 storm was interesting, but I had about 8" total, so I'm not that taken by it. Thing is, I feel like we're far less likely to get a storm like that again - a raging Miller B - than we are a February 5-6, 2010 storm - a quality Miller A.
  8. My storm recollection is better than your storm recollection.
  9. Well...there are six months left in the year.
  10. It can be annoying. I'm not one to stick strictly to the book when it comes to what I call moderate or heavy snow, but when people make claims that it's "pouring snow" or "SN++" I can't help but be a little wary of it. I think that when you guys it'll be a surprise and a pretty hefty dump over a relatively short period. You might not snow for as long as others, but it should come down good.
  11. Weather Underground forecast has me at -7 on Thursday. Pretty sure that's be the coldest I'd be since I moved to the area in 1997. We had a couple mornings below zero last year, but not that cold - maybe -3 or so...can't quite recall. Either way, that's damn cold, let alone for nearly the end of February.
  12. Just because one storm was better for you doesn't mean it was better for everyone.
  13. That winter seems so long ago now. Winters have generally been lame since then, and my life is *way* different than it was that winter. It's quite honestly almost like it never happened.
  14. There were rates easily that big in the '09-'10 storms. It's all subjective, of course, but those storms were beasts. December 18-19 was 20" of pretty heavy snow, too. I definitely remember the blue tinge to it.
  15. This winter sucks, which is no doubt the reason why this thread was started.
  16. I don't know. It's looking a little ragged down in NC. We might go to freezing drizzle and bust low.
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