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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. Not a bad idea. Better than killing the (poor?) thing, i guess!
  2. This place gets worse and worse every year, and sh*tlords like Ji don't help matters at all.
  3. Am I missing something, or did a week of summer heat suddenly mean something...ANYTHING...in regards to winter?
  4. You should be good. Tomatoes are surprisingly tough plants, so with with root system intact they'll snap right back. A couple years ago, I had a hornworm eat through 90% of the stalk on a huge Amish Paste plant. I duct-taped a strip of old t-shirt around the wound and to try to keep moisture in and moving up the stem. I didn't really expect it to work, but the plant continues producing as if nothing had ever happened to it. HOWEVER...this year I have a squirrel who refuses to take the hint that it's not wanted. Doesn't care about my dog, does care some when I put cayenne down, but it returns as soon as the cayenne gets washed away. This is the first time I've dealt with a persistent squirrel in my tomatoes, and I'm fantasizing about putting it six feet under. Honestly...if I lived out in the country I'd have purchased an air rifle by now to off this thing.
  5. I don't mind heat all that much, but when the nighttime lows aren't actually low...that's when I get annoyed.
  6. 63 when I left for work at around 6. Really gorgeous for nearing mid-July! Spent yesterday evening as a timer for the older daughter's swim meet. Couldn't have been a more pleasant evening if I'd wished for it.
  7. Sounds like you're pretty close to me. I'm in Burke, relatively near Burke Road and Rolling Road. Not far from yoda.
  8. #thoughtsandprayersforthetrashcans
  9. Started dumping in downtown DC about 5 minutes ago. Fun to watch.
  10. Nice. I may have to go down to the courtyard in the building to watch the rains come in...
  11. If the trajectory remains, then we'll be right on the western edge of the heaviest rain. Knife's-edge-type stuff for Burke.
  12. I'm at work in DC; just got dark as hell, so I can watch it pour from the office. Hoping home gets enough to at least close Burke Road at Dead Man's Corner (such a dumb name). That spot floods when I p**s in the creek, so if it doesn't wash over today then this even is weak.
  13. If MBY doesn't get even 0.50" or so, then this is a major bust.
  14. Our younger one will generally sleep through noise, but won’t go down while things are happening. Tonight was a different story though. Annoyed that we just missed on a ton of good stuff this evening. Even the little tail-end cell that popped up as the big one rolled across the Potomac missed us by a couple miles.
  15. Nope. Got mostly split. But of course the line consolidated just as it passed by.
  16. And about a minute of rain followed by maybe another 30 seconds. But the kids certainly heard the thunder because wife and I are both in different rooms helping them get back to sleep. Argh!!!!
  17. F the storms these last few days. Grrrrrrr...
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