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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. Yeah...the RGEM looks like a crushing. Really nice WAA snows, the primary croaks nice and early, and it appears the the surface may be starting to crash at 84 as the coastal starts to crank without melting all the WAA snow away.
  2. Serves him right for breaking up a 15-year-old’s kegger.
  3. OK...I read that he kicked the keg (as in drank the rest of the beer) and then broke his leg (because he was so drunk).
  4. I think I got like 9” or something from February 9-10. We did get one really nice band that rotated through at like 8:00 am or something, but otherwise the coastal/ULL piece wasn’t much to write home about. It’s not bad, especially after having gotten 28” (I think) a few days before, but I was definitely a little jealous of the folks in MD who got reamed.
  5. I’m actually west of the fall line...but not by a lot.
  6. But you should be happy with 4” of WAA snow. Right? Because it’s the most we would have seen in a few years?
  7. But you also took a sly shot at PSU. Look...I’m not going to pretend that I like where this thing is trending. I went to bed last night thinking about making a post in here saying that I had a feeling that the Euro would start washing out a bit around here, and that the “fear” of suppression would magically disappear by this morning. Basically that we would move towards a weaker storm in these parts than what the Euro has shown over the last couple days. I’m not angry, I won’t yell about it, but if 12z today doesn’t adjust back to an annihilation of MBY by the CCB, I’m also not going to act as if talk of a “blend” of last night’s Euro and the GFS doesn’t get under my skin, even if it was inevitable.
  8. That's some serious stuff to have them as the top two analogs, but I see lots of Miller Bs in there, including... Boxing Day
  9. No doubt it will. I also hope it results in five-posting, since we're at the point at which some people need the hammer dropped by a leaden hand .
  10. I didn't see what you posted in that other thread, but I can definitely think of one person who fits this bill perfectly. Why people continue to interact is what confuses me.
  11. The problem we have is that there's a pied piper for the horrible analysis whom people can't help but respond to or mention, as if what that person has to say has any merit in an analysis thread. That sets a precedent for others to follow. Looking forward to reading the analysis the dedicated thread for this storm that will no doubt shrivel on the vine, since it's gonna get really ugly once things go downhill.
  12. I was following this run on Pivotal, so it was surprising to see some of the outputs from WB. Quite different in regards to how the 2m temps were reflected in an area of sleet on Pivotal, while WB didn't really have it. But as some of the more knowledgeable have noted, it's kind of wonky to see the surface temps as they are while we're under the CCB with good thermals all the way up. Edit: Ninja'd by WxUSAF
  13. Me too, but I'm only kind of old. All I saw was a bag of bones. Weather-related: I assume the storm isn't done on the EPS at 144. Looks great, either way.
  14. Lewisburg, PA got blasted by some sort of inverted trough or the like later in the week following the ‘96 blizzard - I think we got even more from that than from the first one. Snow banks were out of control and I remember walking into my fraternity house in waist-deep snow. Folks were clearing their roofs all around town for fear of collapse from the snow. We flooded really good a couple weeks later, then things refroze pretty quick (if I recall correctly).
  15. Please stop quoting or referring to people who make attention-seeking posts. FFS. GFS is beginning its trend.
  16. It's ludicrous. Watching it unfold in real-time was about as big an adrenaline rush as I've had since (obscure reference in this forum, I'm sure) Spurs completed their comeback against Ajax in the Champions League semifinal in 2019. https://streamable.com/h7g7e
  17. My cul-de-sac (13 houses) banded together to clear our street in December 2009 (20+"). The street is about 80 yards long or so, and we had about five couples chipping in. We cleared it enough to allow a car to pass comfortably in probably five hours. With eight guys, you should be fine with a few shovels.
  18. "I have seen with mine very own Eyes a wondrous Prognostication by the European Model for a winter Snow of such Significance that I can hardly describe in Words the Elation that it has elicited within myself." - Thomas Jefferson, January 20, 1772
  19. As I said in the analysis thread, the Euro just rolled up and casually dropped on our heads the highest potential snowfall in one storm for this area. There's absolutely no reason not to go all in.
  20. The start is 138 hours away. The finish is is 174 hours away.
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