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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. What's crazy is that there's reason to believe the pattern reloads once it breaks down in mid-month. Once we get there, we'll be close ton the time when we need a lot to go right to get all snow in these parts, but we also all know that things can get *really* interesting as we get into late February with a favorable upper-air setup.
  2. Overall, that's a hell of a Euro run. Gives us lots to track...
  3. The WAA really underperformed. I got like 3.5" on Sunday, but most of that was between about 6:00 am and noon. It snowed lightly all day after that with the occasional slightly better burst. Picked up a bit under 1.5" since then, even with snow much of the day today. Just hasn't been heavy enough for long enough.
  4. Started up again about 20 minutes ago. Awesome to be around that band and getting snow much of the day, even if it's only lightly accumulating. Feel for those who are on the outside looking in though.
  5. Looks like it's shut off in my neck of Fairfax County, at least for now. Nice morning.
  6. I'm usually rooting for the under when it gets that hot. You're right though in that we usually don't have to wait terribly long for another chance for something interesting...except when we're under a huge death ridge and we can't see how it could possibly rain for weeks. Then it's just back to complaining about how hot and boring it is...and eventually someone talks about how they can't wait to track snowstorms.
  7. Yeah...it's WAY less busy around here in the summer. I was pretty much a ghost this summer for the first time in ages, but that was related more to all the issues going on in 2020 than anything else. I generally do like it here in the summer, but there's really nothing like it when we're expecting a nice snowstorm.
  8. Snow plow dropped its blade really hard at about 5:15 am. Woke up my 3-year-old, so now I have yet another reason to hate snow plows.
  9. And there's more in southern PA that has a nice trajectory. Whether it holds together or not is the question.
  10. Seems the two bands are consolidating to the east a bit. Need it to hold on west!
  11. That eastern streamer looks like it's smacking @H2O right now.
  12. Stuck in the subsidence between bands right now. Just some flurries. Looks like a band in northern MD is juicing up, so bring that baby here...
  13. Same. Woke up and looked at the radar without even having looked out the window. My reaction: Dafuq?
  14. Just woke up to this. Really amazing to look at on radar! How long has it been snowing here, yoda?
  15. That band rotating down through central MD seems to be on a trajectory that’ll take it just west of the Beltway. Might add to the slightly under 0.5” I picked up this evening.
  16. Yup...as well as whatever falls today. Still a great look, though that Kuchera map that PSU posted is a lot more generous than the 10:1 map from Pivotal.
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