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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. One thing that stood out to me with the 00z Euro is that the northern edge of the QPF field has really been eaten away the last couple runs, with northern MD now running from 0.3-0.5" total for the duration, with similar decreases down to just about a line from Alexandra/Warrenton. The area south of that has remained pretty steady, so to me it seems the goalposts are beginning to narrow on keeping the most moisture in central VA. We have time, but I'm not sure we'll see any huge adjustments, though even just a 20-mile shift in that northern edge will make a huge difference for a lot of folks. Edit: The 6z euro map shows exactly what I was talking about. Northern edge is getting gobbled up.
  2. Understandable. It seems like we can't get model agreement even hen the precip is overhead, but I won't worry about the NAM until and unless other models support it.
  3. For everyone surrounding DC, it's a better shot at an all-snow event, which is better than flirting with sleet/freezing rain. But it's the Icon, so whatever.
  4. I couldn't give two sh*ts about the NAM right now. Would it be nice for it to be in our corner? Sure, but I'd rather have the Euro and Ukie.
  5. Here's the thing... Unless someone tells you to back away and not dissect it, you're going to analyze the living F out of why the Euro is colder through all levels. So...let me be the one to tell you to back the F away and allow the rest of us to incorrectly read each suite between now and Tuesday.
  6. 1.75" total in Burke. Most of that fell within the first few hours, with the snow starting between 6 and 7 am. We just didn't accumulate once the sun and temps rose a bit. We got good rates at some points, but just not for long enough; things then melted and/or compacted, and that was it.
  7. Haven’t read anything since page 45, so if it’s been answered I apologize...but I was in college in Lewisburg, PA that year and we got crushed. No idea the totals, but I recall there being 6-12” storms time after time after time.
  8. You’re a horrible person if you’re not following the exact formula for measuring your snow.
  9. I’m a mile or two north of that intersection, so I definitely know it!
  10. Checked my notes: 3 hours of heavy snow that dropped 3” between 7:30-10:30 and then all-day (until 6:00 or so) light snow that had a hard time accumulating. Guess I blocked out those details...
  11. It’s nice, but the puddles ruin the mood.
  12. The yellow band over Burke is accumulating...not at all.
  13. Not sure I’ve had such a long period of good-rate, non-accumulating snow in a long time.
  14. Impressive! We’ve been snowing since before 7:00 and we haven’t accumulated much more than 1.25”.
  15. Been decent rates in Burke for the last hour, but it just doesn’t want to accumulate much.
  16. Yup. I’m west of the fall line at 325’ or so, which definitely has made a difference in these kinds of events in the past. I’ve mentioned this in discussions on here with H20, with 12/5/09 being one event that really sticks out as one that produced here but not so much in your neck of the woods.
  17. These obs posts are why I love this place.
  18. All you need to know is that if psu is at 32 at the top of his hill then you’re screwed.
  19. Measured about 1.00” in Burke 30 minutes ago. I can imagine it didn’t accumulate for a little bit because of the early rain, and that there’s been a lot of compaction because of the liquid content, but it’s really pretty out, so that’s cool.
  20. I love psu, but it took everything in me not to blast that post.
  21. Oh no? Thanks. It’s 33 and snowing hard here.
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