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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. This is the forecast I wanted to hear.
  2. It's crazy...my kids went to school on time this morning. Not sure how they and all the others kids in Fairfax County made it happen after all the danger last night, but they did.
  3. Definitely in my Top 5. Maybe Top 3. Kid was fuming and yelling at me...and she's the pretty level-headed and chill one. She slammed the door and stomped into the house while I was trying to tell her that I'll find the phone number for the school superintendent so she can make a complaint.
  4. Picked up the kids from the bus stop and my 5th grader was *raging* at her strings concert being cancelled this evening. So I guess some students think it's dumb to cancel activities for gusty rain. Was pouring and windy for a bit, but it's slowed down over the past few minutes. Looks like it should be pretty interesting with in the next hour.
  5. I don't see the need, but I'm just a parent and not a student.
  6. That's fair, but regarding the 50/50, it looks to me like we have that TPV elongation thing you mentioned above, and that might be enough to keep a storm from cutting. We'd be on a knife's edge, but it could be enough. I'm with you in that we'd be FAR better off with something anchored at 50/50!
  7. Was peeking at the CMC at 240 (yes...an op at range) and am seeing what I think are some good things (but I'm just a dweeb, so grain of salt and all). Big ol' block over the Davis Strait Piece of energy is rotating around the PV and dives in around Montana Split flow with southern stream energy lurking around Texas PNA spikes well up into Canada on a decent axis due to low heights stretching south of the Aleutians Lower heights in the 50/50 region Plenty of cold around You can definitely see some big potential there. Looking forward (with a little trepidation) to see where it goes from here...
  8. My wife and I were just talking about that. 5th grader has a strings concert this evening and we figured it might be cancelled. It's a little bit of a bummer since that was rescheduled from before Christmas when like 50% of the kids were sick. 44 and still raining in Burke.
  9. I'm honestly shocked that Fairfax County hasn't made the call, given the other counties doing so. I guess they figure they didn't do it early enough, so they'll stick to their guns and not piss off the folks whose daily routines it would upset. I'm pretty ambivalent about it, to be honest.
  10. Yeah...the NS energy isn't as strung out as it was at 0z and prior, but it didn't drop in and phase like at 6z. Closer than it had been, so I take that as a decent run, all things considered. Can't see "ground truth" for the Canadian past 162 on TT yet, but you can see that energy consolidate more and swing through a day later. Edit: Just looked at Pivotal. Makes sense given what was going on at 500.
  11. Same for us - I generally work from home four days a week and my wife is a freelance editor, so she's home, as well. It doesn't affect us in that regard, but I can definitely understand the headaches it can cause for families without any parents at home during the day. Ob: 43 and raining in Burke. Temps have risen slowly, but steadily all morning.
  12. With all this talk of closings, I'm just waiting for the text from Fairfax County Schools letting us know our little rats will be forced to flee their respective ships two hours early.
  13. I'm really happy for them, but f*ck...I'm a little pissed that the mountain has basically been snow-covered since the morning we left, while it was decidedly not snow-covered while we were there.
  14. I don't even know where that is, so I'm relatively untriggered by it.
  15. It's all relative though. If it feels cold relative to what it's been, then they'll say it's cold. If it's actually been cold for a while and it gets to normal or slightly above, people will say it feels nice.
  16. I assume it requires Peacock Premium. If so, then yeah...pure greed. Agreed. But fans still pay and the league and athletes make millions upon millions upon millions. Until fans decide they won't/can't pay for it, it's going to continue.
  17. I figure it’s easy enough to go to a new tab (on my phone) and look for myself, rather than ask someone to do the work for me. Anyway…
  18. If the winds aren’t ripping the shingles off my roof, then meh.
  19. Congrats, Pennsylvania! Anyone up in New England want to regale us with stories of the pasting they got? I’m sitting here with soggy ground after a day of cold, driving rain and I’d so love to hear about places outside of our sub fared. Hope they did wel since they really deserve it!
  20. Who ended up winning the douche boy forecast-off?
  21. Get this shit outta here. Glad to see it about to end.
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