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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. EastCoastNPZ mk2 is out of town and it looks like his backyard might be getting smacked.
  2. We were originally planning to do happy hour at the pool, but no reason to get all kitted out only to have the pool probably close for thunder within an hour. And I think we’re getting some thunder now, so there you go!
  3. You’re like the severe version of people posting correlation coefficient to track the mix line in winter.
  4. Nothing much more than a gut feeling, but I’m thinking today could get hairy in some backyards.
  5. Nice! I’ve already got three gallon bags of cored and seeded tomatoes in the freezer, with at least 4x that many on the vine right now. Gonna need to make and can some salsa before too long!
  6. Just had some heavy rain for five minutes this evening in Burke, followed by stratiform stuff after the line went through. No complaints, though. Severe is interesting, but just getting some light rain for an hour or two works perfectly at this time of year.
  7. And suddenly the atmosphere pops like Turbo in Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo.
  8. Interesting that the same thing is happening today as it did yesterday. The electricity in the cell that clipped Burke yesterday was super impressive.
  9. I was thinking exactly the same thing just a few minutes ago.
  10. That’s crazy…incredibly similar damage. That microburst was really something else.
  11. Looks like MN and NorthArl might have two pictures of the same house from different angles. Really crazy stuff.
  12. 12z NAM isn't enthused on the ground, but yeah...there's plenty of CAPE to be had. HRRR has gotten a little more interested with each run this morning, even if not all in.
  13. Extremely localized microburst? Losing AC in high heat indexes is brutal. If I were them, I'd head out, as well.
  14. Not much wind, but there’s some serious electricity here. Most impressive I may have ever seen.
  15. Pretty splitty for rainfall in Burke, but the lightning and thunder is super impressive.
  16. And it de-beefed at 17z, but if you look at the radar depictions on the HRRR and the 12z NAM, the NAM is FAR closer to the current returns than is the HRRR. I mean...the HRRR isn't even close.
  17. Seriously? Anyone who used insecticides for cicadas is a f'ing moron.
  18. Need the HRRRRRRR to beef up in these parts.
  19. Rain is far more reliable in winter.
  20. I might steal that idea about asking the teacher for some schoolwork! I think they're using tablets for a bit of their work this year, so we could get B to bang out a couple assignments before enjoying the rest of the day.
  21. That's a great idea. It was nice to be able to do that before B started school, and we've actually decided to forego our end-of-summer trip to HHI in favor of taking the girls out of (pre)school and flying down for 5-6 days over Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day.
  22. We started after Labor Day in South Jersey, with much of that due to the extension of the summer vacation season for the Shore. I guess I don't mind so much that schools go back a week or so before Labor Day as long as there's a long weekend to close out the summer, but man...early August? Are there lots of folks from NY and NJ that go to the Outer Banks? Seems like such a long trip when you have plenty of really nice places along the Shore to choose from.
  23. I assume they do follow the same rules about the number of days in school, but that's still so early. It's odd to me that kids even go back before the end of the summer vacation season (Labor Day), but to go back a full month before that? It just boggles the mind.
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