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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. While just west of Amarillo gets a foot, Arkansas, 4-8 in Nashville. It's almost comical at this point. Can almost guarantee when a storm comes rolling along in a week, we'll be battling precip issues.
  2. It all comes down to person preference. 12 hours to get 5 inches doesnt excite me anymore. Also this furthers my point that all areas have seen some respectable events the past 5 and not just nw of the city as dmc stated. Also there's no way detroit had a snow depth of 14 at all the past 5 years. Maybe after that veterans day storm in 19 for some areas. We go through this every winter. I guess I should accept others are happy with average and dont mind other areas getting big dogs. I should lower my expectations and realize this area doesn't get the storms I want. Sure this should go in the banter thread but it's a pretty dead thread. I think people will be able to sift through our discussion.
  3. The first ghd blizzard that went west of us and gave us sleet instead of 20+? The 78 storm that tracked pretty much over my house and gave areas to our west the goods? What are we even doing here, we want sleet and lows to track overhead? Sure panhandle storms can deliver some snow if there's some blocking, but we need lows to come out of the gulf/mexico/ S 4 corners/at worst SE texas for the best chance at a big dog. The storm the models are portraying for next weekend for example. Unfortunately with gulf lows, you gotta worry about miller b/transfer of energy. Of course this is for our backyards.
  4. Hrr/rap has Manhattan to just north topeka as ground zero 15+. Hopefully soon we can all get under some dark greens/deformation band. Rgem has continuously looked unimpressive once system starts to move east. Hope our S ind/ohio friends can get in on the goods.
  5. Gulf lows are the best. Lows that come out of panhandle and this current one favors areas to our west. But you can keep going against what I say for fun if you want. A strenghtheing low coming out of NE Oklahoma in no way would deliver here, and easily track through chicago, at best fort wayne.
  6. The whole argument was that the past 5 winters have sucked and downriver has seen just as much action as other areas. Y'all can sugarcoat and scoot around it all you want.
  7. Either way the energy starts out and organizes in a region where we would get at best a mix if there was no block, and a decently wound up low.
  8. Yea you're not understanding my point either. It's all good. People can sugarcoat it all they want but the last 5 winters have been garbage for bigger storms, but downriver has done just as well with the bigger events. Down in florida and might catch a flight to st louis and enjoy the storm with cousin in Springfield as they look like a good spot for this one.
  9. If that high wasn't there, alot of us would be getting rain so alot has to do where the low originates and ejects too. Both going against us on this one. Colorado lows don't usually deliver the goods east of Chicago. Guess we gotta deal with 20s and dry for awhile.
  10. You're an idiot. I wouldn't trust any stats you post and you're still not understanding. I'm not talking overall numbers, just the bigger events. Downriver has done just as well with the bigger events in recent winters. Bottom line is our last 5 winters have sucked. Now go back to learning how to read. St louis looks like the place to be. Usually when models come north some, they correct a bit south. Still a shame it gets shredded to pieces.
  11. Yes that's normally true but in recent winters, last 5, downriver has done better with the bigger events. Learn how to read and follow along with the context.
  12. Downriver has done better in recent winters. Northern burbs, there's been nothing much notable other than 2019 nov storm. It pisses me off every year when places way south of here get a big snow before us lol. Kc looks good right now.
  13. Yea, definitly not plenty but nonetheless still time left. At this point, I'll take anything over 3 inches, even if it takes 10 hours. I think my neighbor said he's used his snowblower like twice in the last 5 years. I suppose we were due for some regression. 12z ukmet a good ways south and weaker from yesterday's 12z run.
  14. We've seen systems come some 500 miles north/south in the last 24-48hrs so who knows. Ukmet has come south some so gonna take some big changes to get alot of us in the game.
  15. How many times have you said that the past 5 years?
  16. Yea I dont think anyone is portraying the woe is me. Im not sure why anyone would want someone else to feel sorry for them over lack of snow.. Lastly we don't care if chicagoans share the same hatred for michigan posters. I don't really get the hatred and whining between each city. At the end of the day when you got boring stretches, we post on here to fill in the gaps. We're all weenies and want snow. I don't understand why people can't just post what they want without being criticized.
  17. Well luckily you only post when your backyard is in line for an event, or to belittle/talk down on someone's post with a 3 word response; instead of explaining why they're wrong and flexing like we all know you want to with that ego.
  18. It's getting old to see storm systems weakening/transferring as they come towards Michigan.
  19. Gotta get that snow first and even then thats not guaranteed. Still a week away with the next threat so who knows. I guess a couple clippers could roll through if those get you excited like they do for josh.
  20. Yup toledo and detroit need a gulf low or a 4 corners lp, in combination with cold air in place. It seems tough to get that.
  21. You should start the arctic air/cold thread that's gonna need to be created late week. Granted it's not record setting cold for great lakes region, but will be nice for your unluckyness to help reverse the useless cold that's coming.
  22. And another one right behind it with decent moisture and all rain. Mother nature has a sick sense of humor. Looks like temps well below normal late week for awhile, 10+ days in suppression territory. Down In florida and temps will be in the low 60s.
  23. While it sucks, it's satisfying that even with rain storms in the winter, Detroit gets the dry slot. Western lower tho however would've been crushed if this was all snow.
  24. I'm okay with it. Something needed to be done to break the cycle, like someone splitting in blackjack when they shouldn't or taking a card they shouldn't of.
  25. There's plenty of time in the summer for severe storms. Also for low pressures to take the current track of this weekends storm, perfect track for snow but no cold air around. I do see todays euro does try to strengthen the low a bit for maybe some frozen precip. This more wound up solution pulls the baroclinic zone a bit further south for the next storm midweek to take a more southern track and possibly thread the needle for some areas (detroit).
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