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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. Sure there's been a few decent storms in december and january but the majority of D and J's have been uneventful. Of course its all relative as you consider 2 inches on the ground for 3 plus weeks exciting. Gonna be almost 4 weeks of nothingness, assuming something delivers in the jan 26-30 timeframe. Sunny the next 7 days and close to 80 down here in florida. I picked a good winter to skip.
  2. The storm is on alot of the models so there is some agreement. Will it change on the next set of runs, probably. I think you need some marijuana or xanax in your life, or both.
  3. I just think most people on here don't complain or get all upset about something they have no control over. Some winters just are duds, it happens.
  4. Short version of that....Colder, but average cold is coming. The lack of strong, organized, cross country low pressure systems with deformation band snow this winter is surprising. Running out of winter days to cash in. No legit threats on the horizon. Better likelihood of an earthquake.
  5. Nobodys humping anything. People are discussing long range winter. Simply checking out the models in the long range does no harm. I think everyone knows to take them with a grain of salt. Check out the thread title. There's nothing else going on currently in the region so there's not much else to focus on. Its prob best if you stay out of the thread, and not scare away the people with actual knowledge
  6. Its a what have you done for me lately winter weenie crew on here. One day you'll understand that. The past few winters and this winter, nothing lately. We have had no real organized systems affect Michigan. Just dusters from a few secondary mostly positive tiltled low pressures that NE, E ohio has cashed in on but thats about it. Its gonna be atleast mid jan before anyone east of iowa (small part of IL just cashed in recently), west of cleveland will see any kind of respectable snowstorm, and its okay for people to be frustrated because thats more than a bad start.....I didnt realize Pittsburgh has been a snow magnet so far this winter. Good for them. They are usually sandwiched in between noreasters and panhandle hookers, colorado lows, not getting big snows, just like detroit.
  7. Hahaha yea it went a bit further nw but by then it weakened. Looks like it dropped 2-3 inches before moving nw of detroit. Nickle, diming, and dusting to the avg. Can't wait for Josh to turd polish our winter in april saying he grades this winter an A since we reached our average, not mentioning that we didnt have one 6 inch storm, and if we do, it'll take 24 hours to get those 6 inches.
  8. I remember the days where we had to worry about nw trends but that hasnt been the case for awhile. Rap/nam have been consistent bringing the banding to about m-59. Dtx seems to think it'll stay at the border.
  9. Yea my coworker back home is a huge snowlover and told me all about the christmas snow. Think my house got around 4 inches that day, although it took like 20 hours to get 4 inches. First Christmas in awhile that had decent accumulating snow. Just down here in florida for the winter. Since we suck at legit snowstorms, i figured i wouldn't miss a thing. Not one thunderstorm down here since ive been here lol. Maybe its me? Hopefully y'all can get surprised tomorrow and some banding can setup, ala feb 5, 2011. Ill always remember that storm. Mother nature felt sorry for us about GHD I going NW last minute and threw us a bone. Models had the feb 5 wave tracking down through Kentucky but somehow detroit reeled it in the last 48 hours.
  10. Its hard enough to get a legit snowstorm in detroit. Even harder to get a snowstorm with a decent snowcover preceding it. Its seems more often than not, snowcover melts before we can add on. Ive been living in naples florida since nov 1st. Glad Ive missed all our dusters so far. Looks like it was mostly snow earlier today north of 696, where most was supposed to be a mix. Unfortunately dry air snuck in and the dryslot zoomed north quickly before more than 2 inches could accumulate. Looks like a bust in SW MI in regards to icing the models were potentially showing there. Hopefully soon we can get a forum wide, organized, strong storm to deliver heavy snow.
  11. I noticed the canadian hinting at a small intense band of snow with some trailing energy from Friday/saturday system. Its still there, so could be a nice surprise for some areas that haven't seen much snow so far.
  12. You know its been a rough start to winter when oklahoma has had more snow and the texas/mexico border gets a winter storm watch before you do.
  13. Yea the euro has been over-amping and been far too west with a few systems this winter. It had the storm a few weeks ago that went just west of the apps, bombing out and tracking near Chicago 120+ hrs out. If I had to guess id say a track more like todays Canadian is more likely, possibly even more SE. I cant remember the last time a secondary tracked due north and northwest in the winter. Just hoping it doesnt shiat the bed and occlude/get shunted east too quickly. Wish i was a player in the titan/packers game tonight. Nothing like getting paid to play in heavy snow.
  14. I see nothing changes. If this was a lil further west into chicagos region, the thread would have just as many, if not more, snow maps. I guess if Chicago's out the snowzone, we can only post maps that show more than 2 feet? I don't get why people can't just post freely without others putting in their smart comments, especially in this aforementioned small/mostly dead thread. It deters people from posting in the future. The activity with this current system is a setup the models tend to struggle with and for the most part haven't shown much. The canadian is giving easter lakes snow weenies life today.
  15. We've had this discussion many times. Only system snow gets my motor running. A true weather weenie would never take our climate over the northeast. I still dont get your obsession with crusty, yellow snowcover. I usually browse the site once a week in the winter. Nobody else will call you out on your turd polishing posts so I logged in lol. Everytime the northeast is about to get a good storm, you turd polish our awesome climate. It grinds my gears.I enjoyed these weather forums for awhile but the arrogance of the likes of the almighty weather god chicago storm and a few others turned me off. Hope all is well with you and i wish you good health josh ❤.
  16. Its been a minute since I posted on here but what a better time than to respond to a josh polishing detroit turd winter post. Its a famine climate in SEMI, where you'll be lucky to get one 10+ plus storm each winter. I think everyone on this board would give up the couple 4-8' yearly storms, perhaps go snow less 2-3 consecutive winters, in return for that 24' plus storm. Kudos to you for still getting excited for 3-6' storm. I'd guess youre one of the few. Its okay to admit the northeast is the place to be for the ultimate snow weenie.
  17. Thanks for the inputs. Kind of a ignorant severe weather newbie and don't have access to advanced data I have seen used on here. Obviously didn't even know the storms were above 40,000 feet into the atmosphere. I assume it would be even more fasincating to have an aerial view of some of these tornadoes today.
  18. Probably almost impossible for a passenger to know whether or not they are over a tornado while flying commercially (I assume planes can fly over these storms without turbulence as long as they stay at maximum altitude)but I wonder what it looks like above these storms and if pilots have the technology available to know whether or not they are flying over a tornado. Just a different aspect.
  19. What is that he is looking at? Possibly a car? Thats one thing I haven't noticed in any of these videos. Cars not visible and being thrown around. Maybe the tornado is so strong it destroys the car before it's able to get it off the ground. Amazing videos.
  20. yea thats what nyc had for 12 hours when they had 30 inches. one can only dream

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