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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. Permanently, finally. Its taken awhile to finish building the house down there, with shortages of supplies and recently Ian. I'm about 10 miles inland so luckily just some minor flooding from ian. Work will allow me to take some summer leave down there so ill prob come back in the summer months. Im looking forward to hopefully an active winter. I've decided my criteria for flying back for a snowstorm is > than 8 inches forecasted lol. Perhaps maybe I'll lower it to 6 if we make it to feb with no storms. It's been so long since I've been in the middle of a snowstorm...
  2. Yea I'd say were due for a snowy winter. The lack of rain and storm systems the past year+ has been weird, considering we've been in a la nina setup. Just goes to show you theres plenty more factors at play than enso and getting a snowstorm around here is like hoping to win a sports parlay, both of which have been avoiding me. It seems like it's been 5 years since we had a legit snowstorm, and that one happened in early Nov. Luckily I've been down in florida the past 3 winters. I'm officially finally moving to Florida next weekend. I wish it was yesterday so i wasnt around for this cold rain crap today. I stacked the delta skymiles and ready to fly back for snowstorms this winter.
  3. I know it's silly to compare Rainer systems with snow systems, but it never fails to see deformation rain bands setup overhead but never get that lucky with snow bands lol.
  4. Kinda makes anything we might track this winter sort of a waste of time lol, as if it wasn't already.
  5. Well the thing is work was gonna let me stay down there through March but I didn't want to use all my vacation time and save some for the summer here so I took a risk and came home on March 1st hoping that maybe we might have a decent and warm March this Spring but boy did that backfire lol. I think we've had 3 days (60+) where i was able to ride my bike outside since march 1st.
  6. Heavy snow with accumulation on the grass. Took us until almost may to get into solid deformation band snows lol.
  7. Typical weak and SE, trending as of now. We've had a favorable storm track for quite some time but cant get a storm to wrap up and intensify.
  8. At the gym today i saw fox 2 had a weather quiz question. Has a foot of snow ever fallen on the city in a 24 hr period in march.
  9. Euro has 18 hours of light to moderate snow. Could be another 4-6 incher for dtw. Thats how we roll.
  10. Reverse psychology, genius. Those 20" solutions haven't verified so maybe now they'll sneak into a storm soon.
  11. I think someone in macomb will end up with 7-10. Nice banding over them for awhile today
  12. Looks like 8-12 may verify for most of the metro, dry slot filled in nicely. 22 and nice banding. What a 24 hour change from 50 and pouring rain.
  13. Relax, go outside and enjoy the snow. It might be the last one of the year.
  14. Looks like all snow north of 94, nice band right over my house going back down towards ann arbor. Figures a 1-2 inch band finally comes when I'm not there.
  15. Its like they think their gonna need those updates to track severe weather or something this summer.
  16. Well if that's true then enjoy it anyways
  17. Nam/rap/hrr all in line with 8-12 accross all of metro detroit. Lets see if it comes to fruition. Enjoy all the snow up there y'all. 80 and sunny down here in florida today.
  18. It would be nice if I could come on this forum and go a one full day without somebody bringing up damn ghd2 lol. Edit ghd1 2011. 2014 still sucked too.
  19. I think it's been happening a lot recently because these low pressure systems are being shunted to the East so quickly and aren't being allowed to close off and go negative tilt. Lower the chances for big snows when they cant amplify and slow down.
  20. At this point its more monitoring the radar than looking at models. Even at this point, you can trust the models. Most of metro detroit should do well.
  21. This has been happening for at least the past 3 years like ive stated before. More storms have missed to the SE the past few years than prob the 10 years combined. It's a weird feeling after going so long with what seemed like a nw trend with every event, which resulted in sleet/ice.
  22. Dtx put some weight from the 18z nam into its decision to issue warnings, regardless what the euro showed. Nam over rgem all day lolol.
  23. Can't get a better track than the 18z nam for dtw. I just wish this thing would slow down but i guess if it did, and went neg tilt, it'd prob be congrats madison.
  24. Its just difficult to get a good snow on top of an already solid 6+ snow depth. Either it all has to melt before or it just freezes into a glacier and we dont get anymore snow after that lol.
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