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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. I dont know what you want? Lol. Mets aren't going to forecast much this far out other than mentioning a possible active end of the week. And with our luck recently, new threads aren't made until 3-4 days out. Let's be honest, nobody other than us weenies care about/track the weather 3 days away in the middle of the winter.
  2. The timing of the phasing is key and no model will pin that down until within 24 hrs or less. So who cares what model saw it first. I don't think anyone respects any model nowadays.
  3. Ehh I think things get cranking a lil too late for dtw to get a decent storm. Ontario looks alot better.
  4. Nowadays it's best to wait until 3 or so days out before starting a storm thread. This is the first run the euro showed anything close for the east part of the forum.
  5. 5 days out nowadays with these models seems like long term lol.
  6. Nice lil system popping up on gfs for end of next week and maturing over the middle lakes, taking a favorable track for ind/tol/det. Euro weaker further se. Looks like there's a lil northern piece that swings through first, providing just enough cold air. If that moves out of the way quick enough, the main wave has room to amplify. Per euro/Canadian, it shunts the energy further se. We've seen that alot in recent years.
  7. Yea I saw the temps and wind chills. I'm a snow fan, and the brutal cold does nothing for me, even if its a blizzard for a few hours. I don't think anyone enjoys the kinda cold most the midwest saw recently. It's just a bummer all the cold was wasted with no legit snowstorm. Tbh it's been really muggy the last 2 days down here and it's been uncomfortable lol.
  8. Thanks for the stats. It seemed like it snowed everyday that January. I knew when it was happening that it was a once in 50 year kinda month/stretch we were on. Can you supply the stats for all those years for Jan alone? No worries if not. Happy new year. May the rest of the winter soon bring you snowcover and everything you enjoy in the winter. Im sorry I've been kinda a jerk towards you over the years. My new years goal is to support others more and what they love and respect what brings them joy.
  9. It has been notoriously quiet in January since that jan 5 2014 storm?
  10. Lol @ dtw jackpotting a rain storm in the middle of winter. Got up to 87 today in estero, fl. It was really muggy. If it ain't gonna snow, let it torch!
  11. Macomb/Wayne gonna go another 4k days. Eastside sucks. Snowcover of 2 inch or less capital of the world.
  12. Do what I did and move! I've been down in florida 4 winters in a row. I've yet to fly home for a snowstorm because there have been none deserving... I will say the 52 today with the wind was a bit chilly.
  13. Lol the paint brush pic looked self made, and had no data. This graphic is legit. It's okay. Enjoy your 2 inches.
  14. As if we needed another graphic to depict how much detroit sucks at snow. But but 1.5 inches of blowing snow is so epic. (Josh). Northern areas all have had a storm, move east theres detroit then skip over to syracuse and northeast who've had a storm.
  15. Wind and fog, most extreme weather detroit ever sees. I guess thats not a bad thing if you're not a weather nut. Gaylord west towards bellaire has been under heavy returns and 16 degrees for hours now. They gotta be stacking the snow.
  16. Apx with 12-26 in there blizzard warning wording. I feel like the models have been so unreliable and forecasters have been burned so much in recent years that it's forced them to word the totals so far apart to cover their arses. They are prob tired from us weenies calling them out on here and the public talking crap about meteorologists.
  17. Hahha just messing around. Msp spanking everyone. Hard to enjoy that snow tho with those gross temps.
  18. I've been fighting Josh for years. I don't know why I bother anymore. I guess i thought i could wear him down but hes been consistently glass half full. He looks at the big picture, while I prefer the big dog and fine with no snow outside of that. Different strokes I suppose. I'll take C- from a dry/ornery negative Nancy like yourself. If you were a professor, you'd prob flunk a whole class cause you could.
  19. We are a well behaved forum, we don't need a chaperone.
  20. Msp off to a good start this winter. I don't think I can recall witnessing a 6+ event with temps below 0.
  21. Yes and I thank you for starting the thread. I'm having fun. In this case it was warranted with it near xmas and it was the first decent event modeled for more than a day for alot on the forum.
  22. We're they ever on with this threat? Pretty pointless starting a thread more than 72 hrs out nowadays.
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