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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. Your month of feb that has prevented you from giving winter a grade lower than C the past few winters, looks pretty ZZzzz and mild through the first 10-12 days. Crazy there's only been one potential of 6+ to track up until this point. Atleast in past crappy winters, there's been atleast some threats to track that didn't work out
  2. A storm has been consistently on the gfs around Feb 10. That's your storm.
  3. No groundhog day event this year it seems. More often than not when there's plenty of cold around, there's no storm around. By the time the next low approaches the region, the colder air has retreated and we see the se ridge flex its muscles and its congrats msp all over again...
  4. Dtw looks to miss out on the first bands, but could be in for a surprise for the second batch. Looks like after this, gonna be in a cold suppression pattern, the worst. While dec/jan sucked, atleast it was warmer. Cold n dry is the worst.
  5. Its a bummer detroits gonna miss out, would've been cool to see a snowstorm on top of decent snowcover. It's always a tough thing to pull off.
  6. it doesn't look like the 12z rgem is gonna back down on its further south location of the banding, but it does have a more NE orientation once its get over by dtw. Hopefully the bands can stay on an east to west line trough michigan. It would be a bummer to only get an inch while areas just 30 miles to the NW see 8-10. seen that horror picture too many times.
  7. In the past the Canadian had been better at depicting these waves dropping south out of Canada. I think models are struggling where the baroclinic zone sets up after this first wave rolls through today. They should get a better idea by tonights runs. I think the bands will settle further south, like the rgem/gfs are showing
  8. Gfs consistently dropping another 6-8 along 96/696 through Michigan. Pretty rare to get back to back 6 inchers in a matter of a week around these parts.
  9. Based on the radar yesterday, I'm surprised grr didn't get more. Either way grr is always top notch in their graphics before and after a storm. They issued a snowfall observed map this morning not only for their area but all of southern Michigan. It's almost like they include metro detroit in their forecast and total maps because they know how bad dtx is. Well I thank them for being a high quality office.
  10. Think we're gonna see a nice 10 lolli in macomb, nice band looks to have parked overhead as the low rotates.
  11. Short term models yesterday were first to have the better bands just to the nw of toledo. Just a tough location for bigger snows.
  12. Neighbor says 4 inches. Based on radar, could be 4 more. I miss the snow. Fomo is real
  13. Yea long story short, again the radar as a whole for the east side, is as good as it gets as far as rates, coverage etc. This looks to last atleast 4 hours which doesnt happen very often.I've seen these bands end up to our nw so many times over the years with lows taking this path, it's just nice to see it happen for the east side, mostly macomb. Alot of my friends in the Shelby twp area are reporting power outages, so I think the heavy nature of it may be causing issues.
  14. I dont think ive seen a sexier radar for the east side. If the low closes off and slows down just a lil, could be double digits Short term models were spot on with this yesterday.
  15. Nice banding in west MI out by grand rapids, definitly more north than modeled. They could see as much as the east side. The rates later are gonna be pretty neat with it coming in the daytime.
  16. Nice banding already over the area. Dtx upgraded a few to warnings which was warranted, but still surprised and unlike them to be prepared for once. Gonna rip for 6 or so hours later. Wish I was home for it but told myself it's gotta be a foot for me to hop on a plane and leave paradise. Y'all enjoy it, might be the only decent event of the winter. Definitely the first one in years.
  17. Rap/hhr steady with bringing the high totals to atleast m59.
  18. True but this is the first respectable low pressure we've had in years take this track and not get sheared out by the time it gets to us. I could be wrong but I think we finally see the further nw bands than modeled.
  19. Per usual they'll issue warnings for macomb/oakland after 6 inches of snow is on the ground.
  20. Yea I wouldn't be surprised to see the dry slot sneak into se mi. My early guess is what I've thought all along. Novi out to Jackson gonna jackpot, while NE/nw Ohio gets screwed over. Also areas to the east forecasted to get more, will end up with less.
  21. Hhr/rap both in the stronger/nw camp and looks good for detroit. Grain of salt I suppose looking at those past 12 hrs.
  22. Guess it's almost time to see if we can awaken the nw last min trick for the first time in awhile.
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