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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. Instead of upper midwest, I should've said further east into Wisconsin and u.p. where models for a few days were showing decent snows there, now just rain lol. But yea atleast someone is seeing snow. If it ain't gonna snow, I'll take days like today in the 50s. Sun felt great.
  2. What makes it even worse/funnier is that it doesn't even look like the leading wave is gonna produce any snow for the upper midwest either as even thats turned into a strung out mess. Usually for us in Chicago/detroit, minneapolis and upper midwest gotta get their snow first as they see the colder temps earlier.
  3. Potential secondaries and low pressures riding along the front are always tough to forecast. Gets wrapped up a lil too late for anything significant for most of us.
  4. I think the clipper/system out ahead of it is key. The slower that is to move along, the more east the main show will be.
  5. Considering we got almost a foot of snow in less than 12 hrs in mid November not too long ago, but I need to respect that nickle and diming gets some excited. I just hope we can get a decent snow in early December. It seems more often than not, December is boring. These last 3 days of foggy cold rain makes me question why anyone would live here this time of year lol.
  6. josh's criteria for heavy is different than ours....
  7. Gfs looking kinda clipperish in the long range...
  8. I guess it makes me feel a little better to see a rain storm fizzle as it heads NE, as it occurs often in the winter. The radar this morning looked Impressive in NE Indiana and by the time it got up to metro detroit, it was just light showers.
  9. A few euro runs in a row of decent snow potential this weekend for Michigan....
  10. Doing what we do best on the east side, light sloppy mix.
  11. Starting a sentence with from the new England forum is like using wikipedia as a source/reference for a research paper.
  12. Third straight day of full sun, not a cloud in sight, and almost 60 every day too. Every year I try to remember the latest I was able to still golf, I think nov 28 a few years ago. Maybe/hopefully we can break through that this year. I definitely don't take days like these for granted, considering it seems like it's been full clouds for the last few weeks.
  13. I'm glad i wasn't alive for the 72 season and witnessed bay city get 2 feet while myself 80 or so miles to the SE got slop lol.
  14. Good thing I wasn't around for that. I'm all for wild temp swings as it may be the only setup/way we can get that historic big one...
  15. Larry Cosgrove sees a similarity so far to 2009/2010 djf. (72-73 also but I dunno if anyone knows what kind of winter that was except for josh)
  16. It will be interesting to see who will see more precip from dec-feb, fort myers or detroit. I have no idea historically who receives more precip. Having lived in Florida in the winters for awhile now and with it being their dry season, it'll be interesting if el nino follows through and its a wet winter. 2 seasons ago, I think it rained 2 days from christmas through february in fort myers. With that being said, I'd guess detroit sees more precip normally, but it'll be interesting if the tele's will have enough influence on the el nino enso and push that storm track further north so it's not another dull winter up north.
  17. I looked this storm up early after seeing Josh mention it and it looked like a good storm for alot of areas but I don't recall it. I kept a close eye on snowstorms while I was in florida too. I'll take a Halloween snowstorm for sure. All I remember is rainstorms while I was young trick or treating lol.
  18. He can't see your posts anymore. Consider that a sign that you may be trolling too hard as me and josh have been going back and forth for years and he's never put me on ignore... that I know of. While I do enjoy deep snow cover, and may be superstitious when it comes to getting a snowstorm on top of Snowcover, I'll take the warm swings and the risk of sleet if it means the potential for big snows. On the other side I don't mind arctic air if it leads to overachieving clippers, although when its below avg temp wise, clippers seem nonexistent nowadays with the bigger storms suppressed.
  19. Yea as soon as I posted earlier today, I recalled a snowstorm we had around Nov 20, at least 6+ years ago. 2-4 was forecasted, 8-12 fell and I don't think we had another 6+ snowfall the rest of that winter. It's weird how history repeats itself when it comes to notable events.
  20. While we have had warm winters lately and I have been living in Florida for them, I am back living in Michigan to take care of my parents and ready for a cold/snowy November. Per our climate, its normal to have to wait until early/mid December for a good snowstorm. I'm hoping we can switch and get into winter quickly. I just went for a bike ride and man what a shock to the system to go from 94/humid to 55 and dry. The sun sure does still feel good. I wonder what's more likely, a early November snowstorm, or the lions hosting a playoff game...
  21. Looks like one of the nicest stretches of weather currently and upcoming. It was warm enough for the beach today and looks like 70 n sunny for atleast the next 7 days +. Can't remember the last time we had a soaking rain. Few weeks ago? I was thinking of doing some traveling since I am off work this month but when it's nice here, it seems kinda silly to travel. It would be nice to stay warm through October. I'm all for skipping fall and cold rain into straight winter.
  22. Agreed. I think some are so spoiled with awesome tornado vids people post on here, that when there isn't a tornado outbreak, or a derecho with 100 mph winds, it's auto bust. 60+ mph winds and ping pong hail here is like an ef5 tornado in tornado alley. It'll only take 30+ yrs of living with ZZZzz weather for people to realize how today wasn't a bust.
  23. There's been more severe action here in the northern/east of 75 burbs the past 10 days, than what seems like the last 10 years combined. As always, even with good parameters in place, weather can still be unpredictable, and underwhelming, especially in these parts. I think some get too caught up in the hype and then are quick to call bust when there isn't as big of an outbreak as modeled. Just like in the winter, gotta take what the models show with a grain of salt.
  24. Probably the most intense storm I've seen here in the 32 yrs living in macomb. Easily gusts over 70 that lasted over 10 mins, close to ping ping size hail. Their wasn't much of a shelf cloud as it approached, which is usually my fav part lol. There's a huge evergreen tree next door that I've been meaning to get cut down for my parents as its west of the house. Luckily that didn't come down.
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