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Everything posted by NW_of_GYX

  1. Bust here. 3” of some of the worst looking snow I’ve ever seen lol. Some places to my west did worse according to FB. I wonder if NoCo cracks an inch. Meanwhile just to my south with elevation going to triple me like Lava.
  2. Why bother? 75% chance the skiing is terrible in December. I'll never understand the rush to ski in December and then everyone hangs em up in February despite march and april being the best months to ski. With that said, try staying outside of Conway. Gorham, NH hotels will be cheaper and Sunday River will likely have better conditions and more terrain than any of the resorts in the valley.
  3. Wow that's some interesting history I had no idea about!
  4. I had occasion to work that way several times for a former employer. Hard to believe at one point that was a bustling area with the bridge at Nine Mile and lumber camps at Seven Islands.
  5. We did a late May trip around Sognefjord a few year ago. The ski touring was incredible that time of year with the treeline so low and everything over 2000' still covered in deep pack. Plus it as in the 60's every day with no bugs and low dews. I was and am still amazed that Norway is not more of an international destination for ski touring. The Lyngen Alps have gotten some attention lately but further south the terrain and snow make for very accessible and low consequence touring opportunities.
  6. I just spend 10 days on chamberlain and eagle lakes and could see the Round Pond cab reflecting sunlight all the way from from the south end of Eagle. I didn't realize there was a tower on Depot. I used to work that part of the woods down the Depot Rd to the Realty Rd. Lonely stretch of woods these days with Moody bridge gone and Daaquam crossing shuttered.
  7. may have been mentioned already but sad news out of N. Conway where a woman was killed in her home from a falling tree.
  8. Can confirm it is a fantastic day here in Bridgton.
  9. Long lake? And nice boat what is that!?
  10. Never saw hail or winds here, big soaking rain though - much needed
  11. FedEx just showed up in the middle of this cell lol
  12. 79 degrees at 9 pm on May 29th. A true heatwave for NNE
  13. That time of year in Maine, I’m sitting at 73 while Casco bay islands hover in low 50’s. Forecast high is 93 tomorrow while 25 miles away in Portland it’s not forecasted to hit 70. Marine influence is real in spring. I used to work offshore in Muscongus Bay and remember summer not really starting on the coast till late June.
  14. Anyone know why the there’s a downward trend here over the last 70 years?
  15. If there’s snow we ski, regardless what lifts spin. Unfortunately uphill is shut down right now. There were a number of events earlier this month as well when they would have been wide open under normal circumstances.
  16. Last time I remember something similar was 08 I think. Just such a bummer because as a local skier this is the type of April you dream about at the River. We don’t get lots of late season snow events like the orographic weenies in northern VT do. Plus this would have saved an otherwise below average season.
  17. This. We had shat for most of feb and Mar and now we get it Sunday river was still loaded as of yesterday, what a great end of the season this would have been there.
  18. What did u end up getting for sn? Hard to say with compaction but best guess 4.5
  19. Wow nice, maybe half that in Bridgton but Im way lower than you. Power flickered once.
  20. dropped to 37 and starting to flip here now
  21. many places closed for skining SR Loaf and saddle. I'll go local to Shawnee but could see making the trip to Abram if the low hugs
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