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Everything posted by NW_of_GYX

  1. Still plenty of skiing left in the alpine if you’re willing to work for it. Hillmans went top to bottom in perfect spring corn today. .
  2. Give up man! might be time to consider some of those grassless landscaping concepts they're promoting out west. Just pea stone, mulch, and wood chip the whole yard.
  3. Hoping we can keep it cool and and wet into May. Maine desperately needs a stretch like that to control the browntail and gypsy moth caterpillar infestations.
  4. welcome to the area. Don't sleep on Crescent lake. Some good trout and salmon fishing on the fly in this area if you're into that too.
  5. Spring has sprung in SLC with the cottonwoods already leafed out but full on winter in the canyons. 5-10” more forecast for tonight at the ski areas. The bird was great today. .
  6. Upslope machine turned on around 6 am today and snowed all day at Jay. Maybe 5-6” above 2500’. Made for some great late season powder turns in the woods. Off to Salt Lake on Wednesday, hoping to keep the good times rolling with the central wasatch now under a WSW for 1-2’ through Wednesday morning. .
  7. My issue with Subaru's is mostly mechanical. I have never liked the boxer motors, they all feel underpowered and the power bands are funky. Plus they all inevitably end up with terrible heat shield rattles and I've had two that blew the head gaskets. The straight 4s in the yotas and hondas just feel way better to me and have a much longer tack record of longevity and performance.
  8. I'm sure you're right but the amount of Tacoma's with VT plates lined up at the mountain bike trailheads in NoCo all summer paints a different picture for this Mainer. And the X-terra, wow. I still see quite a few of those, now 15 years old or more, rattling around the backroads of western Maine. The yellow one's stick out especially.
  9. The tacoma being number #3 is so Burlington, Vermont. That might be VT's new "subaru" at this point.
  10. Maine is similar, not surprisingly. Half my road, myself included, has a RAV. I also have a Subaru and the RAV is a vastly superior vehicle. 1. Ford F-Series 2. Chevrolet Silverado 3. Ram 1500/2500/3500 4. Toyota RAV4 5. GMC Sierra
  11. headed to Jay this afternoon. Hoping for some upslope magic tomorrow night. Model spread is pretty wide and BTV is not buying much. If you guys in VT could cue up some fake snow for me that would be great.
  12. Lots of people from away bought lake front houses on private camp roads during COVID and are finding out the hard way about mud season. You can't live year round down a half mile dirt road that drops 200 feet to the lake and drive a Prius. Not happening.
  13. Seems like we're getting some run to run support since 12z yesterday. Hoping things line up!
  14. Any thoughts on this weekend from the northern Greens crew? Skiing has been great here but just booked a weekend at Jay on a whim and GFS is selling a nice upslope event after the rain Friday and Saturday.
  15. Stolen from FB. This is in the gaspe as of yesterday. Far northern Maine into Quebec are just absolutely buried right now. Reminds me of 15-16 when I went up to Ft Kent last week of March. No snow at all through Ashland then once we got over the hill on 11 north of wallagrass it was just feet and feet of snow and got another 6” that first day there. Skied at lonesome pines which was fun for the novelty of it. .
  16. Summit of the rock pile is NoCo’s Kaliningrad
  17. This is the same dude who proposed a 25,000 sq ft hotel at that site back in 2017. I think he just does this for the press and visibility. No way was that or this happening. With that said the the Presis and other popular places in the Whites are a circus and what harm will a little more development do to an already clapped out, abused and masshole infested clownland? If it were up to me, and it’s not, I’d have torn down the auto road, train, and summit restaurant long ago. Hell even the observatory can go too as far as I’m concerned.
  18. Back to back snowers bookending a multi day torch is how you run spring in the mountains of western Maine.
  19. I mentioned it in the other thread but GFS seems to be buying into the CAD signal as well.
  20. and still out in clown range but GFS seems to picking up on the CAD idea that the euro has been selling for this weekend. I think our areas are probably cooked for that one but could be another nice event for the mountains.
  21. Just flipped here, right on schedule. Gonna have a tough time accumulating until we get the colder surface temps though.
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