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Everything posted by NW_of_GYX
This is what I've been saying. November is usually the worst month of the year for weather in NE, just weeks of gloom, sticks, and temps maxing in the high 40s. This pattern is a gift. Many would pay to guarantee this pattern all of Oct and November with a hard flip around Thanksgiving. That looks to be the case this year and yet the weenies are still dissatisfied....tsk tsk.
I love those sleeper April powder days in northern Vermont and Maine!
In the meantime let's enjoy this incredible stretch of weather ahead. I'll take the gift of at least two more weeks of great trail riding, hiking, and outdoor projects weather. Never understood the desire to blow the load in November and December. Best skiing always in March and April. Even in last year's torch spring I lucked out at Jay with a 6" storm on April 10th and then enjoyed 4 days of powder skiing in Utah two weeks later and a top to bottom Hillman's run in early May. Hard to ask for more than that. It's a long season.....
That’s the thing about Katahdin that sets it apart from the whites, greens, and adks. Its prominence is stunning and intimidating at a scale I’ve only experienced out west. Doing the knife edge puckered me the same way as some of the classic resort boot packs out west. Just a massive hunk of granite. Winter time is special up that way too. A ski descent is on my bucket list for sure but requires some serious logistics. Some winters up there can go big, but it’s been a while. Spring skiing would be incredible, but it will never happen due to park rules, and I’m ok with that.
Did an overnight to chimney pond and hiked the knife edge on katahdin this past Tuesday. Low on Monday night at Chimney was 26 with widespread frost. Foliage was peak in northern Maine. Bring on the cold. .
Some pretty good showers just rolled through here. After last night the cocorahs guy down the road from me has 9” on the month. Yea it’s been wet here…we need some lava lawn updates, bet it’s never looked better.
Getting a nice drink right now. Anyone have a rainfall anomaly map for September month to date? We’ve got to be firmly on the plus side here.
lol at Lewiston being coastal Maine. Get a map bro.
Spent a week on the Allagash end of last month. Can confirm northern maine has been wet. They’ve had it rough past 5 summers and were due. Best water I’ve had on the river since 2019 and lawns in the Saint John valley were very green and not from moose poop fertilizer. Was down on deer isle this past weekend and it was parch city. Made lawns in the lake region look like the Congo by comparison.
Southwest interior Maine can bake with the best of them. Would love some education from the Mets on this but I’m guessing it has something to do with heat getting trapped on the coastal plain and NE orientation of the mountains?
Clearly on the wrong side of the boundary atm. It’s a 90 degree sauna here but like 30 degrees cooler 35 miles to my north and east. Farmington is at 62. Crazy gradient setting up in this part of Maine.
pretty intense cell moving through here right now
Severe Weather Threat Week...so many threats!!!
NW_of_GYX replied to weatherwiz's topic in New England
From Sebago FD Facebook page. Wonder if it will confirm tornado. . -
I've thought about this too. Not a biologist but I imagine it has to do with the amount of unfragmented habitat in Maine. The other northeast states have a lot more fragmentation and so human encroachment on habitat is much higher. In my years working in the woods I only encountered a bear in the woods once, and he/she quickly departed the scene, the rest of my sightings were were on woods roads etc. I was always way more concerned with running into moose, especially during the rut. I was working up to the southwest of Ross Lake one September and had a run in with a bull that left me pretty shook. Still beats desk life, which is what I enjoy for better or worse these days.
A fourth of July parade…..At this point it’s not a matter of if but when you or the people you love will be affected by gun violence. We’re just sitting on our hands waiting for the bullets to hit our kids, spouses, parents, etc. We had an assault weapons ban before and the government didn’t go all King George and take away our freedoms. Time to ban them again. I know that there are millions who will never give them up but perhaps it could stop from getting these weapons in the hands of a few would be killers. It’s a lot harder to kill lots of people with a hand gun, shot gun, single shot rifle, or a knife.
Winter 21/22 is not over in western North America. Some insane snow totals coming out of northwest Montana over the last two days. 39” positive snow depth change between 6/13-6/15 at this snotel site in the flatheads. https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/reportGenerator/view/customSingleStationReport/daily/664:mt:SNTL|id=""|name/-7,0/WTEQ::value,WTEQ::delta,SNWD::value,SNWD::delta
Keep the heat where it belongs
The sales of ar-15 copies and the general proliferation of firearm ownership in the last 20 years has made some powerful people a ton of money. Nothing will change and kids and innocent people will keep dying. Until we value the lives of innocent people over our belief in an unobstructed right to own any and all firearms, this shame will not stop. It’s part of our culture’s descent into the machiavellian madness of prioritizing individual over collective needs and rights. It’s only going to get worse before/if it ever gets better. At some point every single one of us will be impacted by gun violence, and, like climate change, that may be the point we finally do something. But thousands more innocents will die before then.
Just got a report those cells moving through Waterville and Bangor had some serious precip rates but no hail.
We had a cell move through Fryeburg and bridgton about 2 hours ago. Light rain and thunder.
Just water clinging to everything here. When it comes it will be steamy.