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Everything posted by NW_of_GYX

  1. Sure does, but their system is mostly on roads. You want to be riding on the roads this season. Trails just never froze up and won't. If you don't mind trailering a little further, erroll and nash stream are the closest areas where a lot of the trail miles are on roads. But you'd have to register in NH, yet another reason I rent!
  2. I've seen some pretty gnarly photos of water bars on local trails. There will be folks riding no doubt but for the sake of your sled go further north.
  3. That system will cut, nothing there to stop it. Best you can hope for is to cut even further west and avoid the big precip but even that is looking unlikely. Cold modeled behind it, that weekend could be one of the worst ski weekends of the year. Don't want to burst your bubble, but that's what I'm seeing.
  4. I mean I still have over 12" on the ground, more in shady spots. It's hard for me to give it a D when we're well on our way to snowfall climo, but if this pattern holds through first week of March then I'll be downgrading quickly. This isn't 15-16 snowfall wise, but temp wise it's not far behind. I'm having a hard time buying a late season flip to a colder pattern but could imagine another stretch like we had in Jan. This season is good reminder for me why I don't own snowmobiles, just rent when the mood/season strikes.
  5. Ya the crown up to Gaspe cleaned up in that stretch last year. Gaspe was absolutely buried. Not that different from the tenor of this season (or 21' or 20' for that matter, although 20' did produce a nice event last week of March after an early torch) either. Rangeley was melted even worse by late March in 21'.
  6. I don't doubt it. Feb vacation week is coming up in 2 weeks, and just like xmas vacation week you can count on terrible skiing and snow conditions. At this point you almost hope for sun and runs at 50s that week or else it will be pretty miserable for the folks on vacation. Just seems like it's impossible to get a low underneath us this winter. With that said, we realistically have 8 more weeks of threat watching here and I expect a few more events to produce but we'll struggle to reach climo unless we get another stretch like in Jan.
  7. We were totally melted out by third week in March. As it goes sometimes, the last week of March and first of April produced for elevated NNE (along with some rain) but it was toast here after March 6th or so.
  8. It’s early Feb. My winter is just starting. Only thing I don’t mind melting right now are SNE snow weenies. I can see why you’re ready for a melt though, just drove over the kanc and it’s a different world on the west side of the whites. Me to conway is still buried but Lincoln and campton will be melted out by early next week. Plenty of snow above 2000’ on the kanc though.
  9. Not expecting much but can’t deny the classic CAD signal. 3” thump to drizzle would be a win in This pattern
  10. For those of us in CAD land the euro and gfs are starting to come into agreement for Thursday. Looking like a net gainer type deal for now.
  11. -17 wind is howling. Just stepped out to the wood shed and it’s pretty exhilarating. Nice night to sit next to the stove.
  12. Great spot, rode into there a few years ago from Stratton. About as good as it gets for trailside food and drinks.
  13. Agreed. The 3 week shift is aligned with ice out trends statewide. Give or take 10 days on either side of the season.
  14. There is just so much memory bias when it comes to big cold and big snow. The trends are all around us, we are getting warmer, but attributing seasonal anomalies to CC is disingenuous. I try to tell that to my very liberal friends and family and they look at me like I'm benedict arnold. There are not a whole lot of people around here who can remember that stretch in the 40s 50s clearly, but there are many who have vivid memories of cold periods in the 60s and 70s and that's what they compare every winter to.
  15. Sebago Lake is quite the sight right now, freezing spray and slush waves everywhere. Car thermometer is at -4. Made me think of this ice out date chart for the Lake. The points on the x axis are dates when the big bay didn't freeze. The clusters in the last two decades will surprise no one, but interesting to note the cluster in the 40's and 50's, which others here have noted was not a good winter stretch. Take the data pre 1900 with a grain of salt as well.
  16. Strong signal from op gfs for another good period of orographic snows into mid next week. Euro not quite as robust. We’re into bread and butter season it seems!
  17. I posted late last week that I thought favored upslope spots could do 6-12” during this period. Where are you at since last Friday?
  18. Just an absolutely stunning perfect mid winter ski day exactly how you script it. .
  19. 3” of Utah snow overnight. Nice little over performer. Incredible scene out there this morning. I’m at 45” on the season, about 55% of climo.
  20. This has been a really nice wintry stretch going back to the 4” we had around mid month.
  21. Yup, almost an inch here too. Hovering around 31.
  22. This week is quiet but next week could have some trackable events starting with Monday 2/6. Also nothing to stop Friday from trending N so worth watching for SNE.
  23. folks around here do it on the ice at night and hop out with the AR like it’s Nam lol. I don’t hunt but appreciate folks like yourself doing your part to help manage wildlife. I’ll stop before i get told to take it to banter.
  24. It’s industry wide. Records set across NE over the last 2 weekends. The demand has never been higher which I think speaks to a hangover effect from COVID demand on outdoor access and the marketing strength (especially social media) of the outdoor industry as a whole. Everyone wants to be like their favorite instagram influencer. Season pass sales have been very strong from what I’m told and the value of an epic or ikon pass is still very good for your average 5-10 day a year skier.
  25. Biggest harvest since the 50s this year. IFW biologists must be happy. Gonna have to deal with the coyotes next, not enough people hunting them. Cougars and wolves would help.
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