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Everything posted by NW_of_GYX

  1. This is our best imitation of winter 22-23 in the mountain west. Enjoy it
  2. Re EAB and browntail comments. The biocontrol aphid wasp species are showing promising signs in the Midwest of building up enough population to control EAB and allow for the next ash crop to grow. It’s now being released all over New England including Maine. There is no expectation that current ash on the landscape will survive, although the relative remoteness of ash stands across NNE will likely slow the burn. I used to get browntail rash all the time working on wood lots in the mid coast and people thought I was crazy, it’s since exploded everywhere including my town for the first time this year. The outbreak will likely bust at some point but entomologists have no idea when. Successive cool wet springs and falls would allow the build up of various pathogens and fungal diseases that reduce their populations. On a brighter note it seems the gypsy/spongy moth outbreak in my area has finally waned after 3 years of defoliation. Invasive pests and plants sure have changed our NE forest ecosystems from their pre contact predecessors.
  3. While we’re at it, it would also be important to consider what if any impacts the recent i.e last 30 years of commercial timber management regimes in the far north has played here in terms of broad ecosystem impacts. Prior to the mid 80s nobody was cutting wood that far north into the Canadian Shield, that’s changed. Look at google earth, they’re cutting wood right up into the sub arctic. Point is, there are so many factors to consider. I don’t agree with attributing this to CC with blanket statements, as many have done. Who knows, maybe CC is the dominant driver, but we just can’t say that with certainty right now, there are too many other variables to consider.
  4. Agreed on all parts. Anomalous weather phenomena can go both ways, and are used by folks to both affirm and deny CC. The danger in attributing weather events like this to CC is that it obscures the very real argument for CC based on long term trends and ya know, actual climatology.
  5. The social media hype machine is blaming this on climate change. I’m no CC denier, and this is an incredible event no doubt, but there’s probably been smoke that thick in NYC at some point in the last 13,000 years.
  6. Greenville, ME at 43 right now. Woodstove cranking at my house, ac was on yesterday
  7. 47 and rain, off a high of 91 yesterday. Crazy
  8. That's awesome. Some of the tribs around here are running close to Irene heights. I've never seen the Little Andro gauge above 3000 cfs but it broke it easily yesterday, almost hit 4000, and is still above 1000.
  9. My road was "repaved" and had the drainage "improved" last fall. It's already undermined severely in multiple places, started in December. Maine DOT and municipalities need to wake up to the reality, instead it's just bang your head against a wall and build the same stuff over and over.
  10. Lots of damage throughout Western Maine. This exposed a lot of undersized infrastructure. Some culverts that were fixed after the December deluge washed out again.
  11. Must be heavy elevation dependent. Cams from Marquette, Houghton, etc. are snowing but not close to 20" https://www.lakesuperior.com/cams.html
  12. Melting out fast on the rock pile but was able to connect the snowfields down to the floor of the ravine via the chute on Friday. I’d say things are 10-14 days ahead of schedule on the hill. .
  13. unpopular opinion but this album was better than astronaut.
  14. renting a plug aerator this weekend cause my lawn has taken an absolute beating over the last 3-4 seasons of drought in western Maine. Lots of compaction and the top layer in spots just looks like sand. Anything I should consider before letting her rip?
  15. Stump shot glade. Love all that steep terrain around gondi line etc. Another fantastic day at loaf. Low clouds never made it up to the valley although you could see them just to the south. Today might have been warmer and calmer than yesterday. Just an unreal weekend up there!
  16. Trees still skiing great at loaf. ​​​​​​​ .
  17. This is what I love about weather in the NE. Any given year mid April could be 90 or it could snow a foot. I’m headed to Loaf for the weekend with skis on roof rack in shorts and flip flops.
  18. What a torch. Wonder if this will be our biggest relative to climo for 2023.
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