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Everything posted by crossbowftw3

  1. NYC and at least western LI will definitely need some ticks to get into the game at this stage but up here we need some huge shifts
  2. I am in a very precarious position in the Catskills with this setup, starting to have some doubts creep in about seeing much of anything from this while NYC East easily pulls 12+ with jacks of 20+
  3. Watching from the Catskills and wouldn’t be shocked if I got relatively little on this while a trip of 100 miles nets someone 20”+. It happened with February 2013 where I saw 7” and the 40” measurement was but 100 miles from me.
  4. Tight squeeze for folks like @snywxand myself…not going to be shocked if this one won’t play in our favor while someone just 50-100 miles East pulls 20”.
  5. Pretty awkward timing given my younger sibling is moving into her (second) college on Thursday. We’ll see what happens. Tangental note, she’s starting at Oswego which means she’s going to get to witness LE events. Lucky kid.
  6. Same here despite you having 200’ more elevation on me, rain never mixed in until this morning, and seemingly no ZR either; 35/33 with just mood flakes now that won’t accumulate anymore.
  7. 6-7” of combined snow/sleet; agreed that the wind forecasts were definitely overdone and thankful for that.
  8. Warning for 5-9” in the Catskills best guesses as to what I see here: 5” snow, some sleet, .05-.1 of ZR, some rain Monday morning, (probably) lose power from gusts in the 40-45 range.
  9. From single digits and negatives to 30s and 40s within roughly 36 hours, pretty impressive swing overall
  10. Would like to believe I can still squeeze 6” before the mess begins but that’s becoming a reach at this point. Better opportunities ahead.
  11. This is getting close to being a fail for even folks like @snywxand I inland. I’d like to think we’d still be set for a front end of 5-8” before any sleet but even that might be a reach at this point.
  12. 8/-3 and hasn’t moved all morning, hard to fathom getting to the 15 degree high for the day
  13. Just crossed over to 32, but Wunderground still has me at 30.7.* Either way we’re basically there. Everywhere around still not even to 30 yet *31.1 as of 11:40
  14. 29/27 with light ZR, sheets of ice everywhere. Definitely has accreted in the goalposts of the WWA by this point. Starting to see the icicles drip and melt which is a good sign but still three hours until I can pop above 32.
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