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Everything posted by crossbowftw3

  1. Almost certainly out of time to get the huge totals working in here but solid advisory to low end warning might be in the cards for even here in Sullivan
  2. I tip my cap to this NAM run if it verifies. Get as many pictures as you humanly can, I want to see them all
  3. Where I am in the Catskills it is getting insanely close between nothing and 6+, which is still relatively nothing seeing the totals being spat out on LI And trust me, they can have it, this weekend one year ago I was digging out of 25”, don’t need that again
  4. NAM, again 6” line is basically about one hour of distance away from me now and an absolute stunner (again) for city east
  5. Who wouldn’t? This has been quite the wild ride all things considered, can’t wait for the conclusion especially as it pertains to where the death bands set up. I need cameras to watch dang it
  6. That’s what makes this whole thing so strenuous/hard-to-nail-down. This far west we can still pull something great but at this point the ship has almost all but sailed. All eyes now to figuring out where the bands set up
  7. Absolute stunner of a NAM run for Boston. I am 100% willing to bet someone near there pulls 40”. Guess I know which cameras I’m watching
  8. Think this could get pulled back enough for folks like @snywxto sneak a 2-4/3-6 event? Anything helps with such high ratios
  9. During a NAM run from yesterday during this exact timeframe my area would have 29:1 ratios during this point. Any more west shifts….
  10. For us far west and N/W folks I can’t see much more than 2-4”
  11. Still stuck right on the western edge of the gradient
  12. I’ll take 2-4 and run at this stage, going to be watching radars and live cams very closely wherever the bands set up
  13. For us well north and west crew this still isn’t our game but at this point I’m rooting for NYC and LI. You guys can take this one
  14. Unfortunately, true. It’s shockingly hard to not get mesmerized in the pure “WTF” caliber that 6z run provided
  15. Taken from main storm thread, wouldn’t shock me if a distribution like this is what is to actually occur
  16. The madness will never end coming back to earth a tad, the EPS ticked east somewhat.
  17. I live approximately where the x is on this image
  18. 6z euro difference between 6” and 24” is 100 miles
  19. I’ll be fine seeing next to nothing if it means someone around or east of the city gets 20”
  20. What an utterly bizarre winter thus far, where DC has already done so, and NYC + Boston may soon join them in doubling us up with total snowfall for the season. Seasonal total here is just barely over a foot and for comparison sake, last year by this time that total was over 20” with the February 1st big boy just beginning to come into the fold…
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