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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Really coming down with larger flakes now in the band over my head right now (Colesville, MD). Probably will help accelerate accumulation at least for a bit.
  2. Another 0.5" since my last check. Brings my total to 5.0" in Colesville for the moment.
  3. Another inch since 5:30am measurement it seems. So total here around 4.5" perhaps 4.75" as of 7:05am. Also temp/dew is currently 24.4/23.7 on my PWS. Nice cold snow.
  4. A while ago - somebody shared a good color table for snow events for GR. It might have been @Eskimo Joe but my memory isn't what it used to be. It was "tuned" for overall lighter returns I feel like. Would love to get that again as I lost it after upgrading computers and to GR2AE v3
  5. As a ton of our setups are - it's super delicate. But that GEFS is encouraging to see, at least.
  6. Looks like about 3.5" so far in Colesville, MD. Wish I had ventured out earlier but I dozed off. Might have been more like 3.75" prior to some compaction.
  7. Yeah the NS is pretty clearly different on the more favorable runs versus the bad runs. Not sweating it at all while we have glorious snow falling outside. We'll make sense of next weekend as we bask in our snow out the window tomorrow/Wed and beyond.
  8. Street still hasn't caved here yet. But part of that is because during/after the snow squalls the other day, the DUMPED a load of salt near the bottom of the dead-end. Probably is sticking further up the street where less salt was applied.
  9. In fact - that northern stream stuff that may make or break this are onshore around 60 hours out. Won't take long until we have an idea of the goal posts...
  10. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. As others have said - it's not like it's a day 10 threat or anything. The players that make differences for this are "on the field" and in range inside of 72 hours.
  11. Radar to the west of our region looks absurdly good...
  12. Very light snow in Colesville, MD. PWS dewpoint has been kind of wonky this evening but it is currently showing 28.6/19.4
  13. @Maestrobjwa - Gotta say - you've come leaps and bounds from prior years. I hope the new guy can follow the same path...
  14. True - though often that's when it comes in SUPER fiercely like a wall.
  15. The hand-wringing about it not snowing yet is always so predictable. Timing is fine...
  16. It's filling in. It's well on schedule. Relax! Part of the column is extremely dry.
  17. PWS says I am at 29.1/21.2 (Colesville, MD) Obviously nothing happening here as of yet. Debating napping for a few hours or just staying up all night.
  18. Checking with the infrared thermometer on the grass and walkway shows surface/ground temps in the mid to upper 20s IMBY. Should have instant stickage. Didn't venture down to the street though. Lots of salt on it from the other day.
  19. Probably meant the eastern part of 32 where it's a bit more E/W ish
  20. The "Snow Squall Warning" product wasn't operational until 2018. Previously it would be handled by SWS or WWA under some conditions.
  21. Burst of snow and down to 33.4 Little dusting trying to form on the grass and dirt.
  22. 36.3 here in Colesville. Got pretty dark but not much of note yet. Looks like a heavy burst might be on the doorstep looking at radar.
  23. Reeeeeeeeeal subtle @mappy
  24. You know me....always trying to be that "friendly" nudge to the influx of posters each year. I can't help it Good thing you guys never made me a mod or I'd probably go scorched Earth at times, though
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